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  Airjamie said:
This song is so fucking badass. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yA48-DatUHI we need to start a nu rave band called sufu and cover this shit and make a zillion bucks. Oh and lay mad pipe in little neon wearing 13-year-olds. Jesus christ this song is badass. That scene in american psycho when hes fucking those hookers to it inspired me to put it on while hooking up with one of the lovelier phi mu girls this weekend. If youve never fucked to phil collins you havent lived.

awwww shhhiiieeet

didnt realize AJ took this post there...........

def +rep when i get my load back up.......

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  jeepster said:
superweirdo superfuture superstalker! yay!!!

btw, are you gonna be putting out rakers this season, or are you leaving them be for now?

Dunno man, probably not. Stressin' out a bit, t-shirts are running over budget...everything seems to run over budget. New label fuck ups haven't helped any. I couldn't sleep tonight so I cut out 12 sheets of the denim I have left, just to see how many pairs I could make with it....but I have been procrastinating about making a short run of Grifters for ages. 50/50 still.

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Assuming the Imperial x SE comes in a 26 inch waist, I'm probably going to be in the market for some Grifters next. Trying to keep my denim collection as minimal as possible, only buying new raws when my shit is actually worn in.

In other news, I finished my last exam of the year today, which means I have 4 months in which I really should get off my arse and get a job, mostly for the purpose of freshening up my wardrobe.

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  Mr Calvin Oscar said:
this girl was wearing red april 77s at my school today (a very uncommon thing) and i totally pointed my finger at here ass and said "whoa!" in front of my girlfriend. oddly enough, she didn't seem to mind. and no, she's not cheating on me.

I point out jeans all the time to my girlfriend, and at least 50% of the time it's on a guy's ass.

Hold on...

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i've been trying to pay for things i've accumulated for the past few months myself

you start to hate the things you own when you feel like you are being buried by them

I just moved for the first time in a while and threw out a lot of crap. I'm trying to enforce an "only buy to trade up and replace something" rule.

But I can't even buy gas until Monday. I just mailed a check for more $$ than I have until then.

Scary weekend of potential overdraft/check bounce ahead. I am too old to be playing games with money like this.

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  seemeugly said:
Sometimes, even though I am a white guy, I think "Man, I fucking hate white people."

truth. I'm half philipino and half hungarian, and I'm usually not sure which half to be more ashamed of.

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  keri said:
me too.

and i didn't even get any last night, which makes the hangover worse!

me either... and pissed off the last girl i was seeing because i left the club with some girl, right in front of her.... well, i walked to my truck with her to put her # in my phone, but she went back inside.

i dont care tho. she was a kinda shitty girlfriend, and shes gonna be gone in a few weeks.

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  1995chardx said:
i'm addicted to amateur porn. fuck the vivid shit

i've never been into mainstream porn, ever. fucking fake glitz and glamour shit

is so gross, fake tits and lacquered on lip gloss and the chicks are obviously

acting every single time.

give me amateur girls who inevitably end up enjoying what they're doing and

have a little pudge any day. it makes me feel like i could have a chance, too.

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  cheep said:
im starting to think id rather fuck an average girl than a really hot one.

average girls are usually better in bed because they realize that they can't rely on laying back and looking pretty.

at least, it is my experience that 9s and 10s are not at all good lovers, but 6s, 7s, and 8s are tons of fun.

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  onemancult said:
average girls are usually better in bed because they realize that they can't rely on laying back and looking pretty.

at least, it is my experience that 9s and 10s are not at all good lovers, but 6s, 7s, and 8s are tons of fun.

yeah... i found that out recently.

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  onemancult said:
average girls are usually better in bed because they realize that they can't rely on laying back and looking pretty.

at least, it is my experience that 9s and 10s are not at all good lovers, but 6s, 7s, and 8s are tons of fun.

Eh they all have their place. 9s and 10s are great to hit it and quit it, but 6-8s make the best girlfriends

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Instead of messing around with 1-10 scale for girls, my friends and I just reduced that shit to binary. You'd hit 1's, you would not hit 0's.

It's so much simpler, and, perhaps counterintuitively, it makes you a better person.

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  seemeugly said:
Instead of messing around with 1-10 scale for girls, my friends and I just reduced that shit to binary. You'd hit 1's, you would not hit 0's.

It's so much simpler, and, perhaps counterintuitively, it makes you a better person.

i like the sound of this. i'm considering switching over,

will this system be compatible with my penis, or will I

have to upgrade?

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