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yo i got owned by that girl

as soon as we had sex she went psycho and thought she had attachment issues.

dis bitch been all over me for a month. We had 5-6 dates and like 4 sleep overs type deals where we didnt have sex... shit is chill then bam... 3 days ago we get down and she fuckin is all coo the whole rest of the day and all up on my shitl.

A few days later ( aka today) we have a talk and she just says sorry and cant do relationships.

girls are crazy yo

i dont understand how things become so complicated

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i'm sorry!! i didn't mean for it to come off mean. i just find that's what it comes down to. when people say stuff like "we're not obligated to each other" it's like, you have no ties therefore you can do whatever you want kinda thing. basically you guys aren't together, you have no jurisdiction on what they do or say. usually at this point, i always say fuck it.

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sam, that is so true. i guess i just needed to face up to the reality of the situation but i am feeling really lost. he's neither here or there with this whole thing going on with us.i feel like asking him straight up about it but not until we meet. :(

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ah it's a terrible spot to be in. like i said, that's when i like to just walk away. give him one chance to give you a clear answer, but if he can't do that for you, then my advice is to just peace out. be with someone who wants to be there. not just play stupid ass games and only half ass the relationship.

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  samsikle said:
omg seeeeerious. i used to love that shit, totally awesome opening theme. don't even get me started on are you afraid of the dark.

Pete and Pete...yeah! Check this joint:

I still don't know how to embed videos...

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i remembered earlier as a kid i used to change it when pete and pete came on because there was always something better to watch, then i watched it by myself and was hooked. Only show me and my bro didn't watch together...i think it had to do with the openining.

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there are a zillion emails that i should have answered instead i played hooky this morning and took my sister to lunch + movie.

on the way to get tea i noticed my boss standing in line and i was wearing the 'bag'

crap. i hope she didn't see me but with my luck she probably did.

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I realize that the only times i have black'd out from drinking were '"accidents" one being my bday.

I also realize why im so fond of forums in particular. Not only cause im bored but bc im a very social individual and like to interact/be around people so when im at home this is the closest thing to me interacting socially? Well thats my psychological standpoint on the situation.

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everytime my boss nudges me, i feel like saying to his face: FUCKING STOP TOUCHING ME, I'M NOT YOUR BROTHER!

edit: i almost accidentally typed that to the email i was about to send him. fml

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decided to edit this

(and no, its not cause of the neg rep i got....although i thank it)

i guess the asshole part of me still comes out from time to time. and that is what i'm trying to change.

/me falls back

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