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  kixslf said:
i am having one of the best summers in a long time

i am super falling for this girl from the east coast i mentioned a few pages ago

she is awesome, beautiful, super intelligent and she has long amazing legs, and back dimples...

feels good to be into somebody that isnt my ex... for once...


yo i think im in loe with larssss' friend

whatup larsssssss

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  jeepster said:
I mean, I've done that, and I save them, but no good ideas are comin.

I've got one about a bagel though that I think I'm gonna start on tonight.

You think about the foods you take for granted when you can't eat them for a couple weeks.

sounds interesting enough to me.

It is strange that you really notice the foods you want when you cannot have them... but after a while you pretty much just forget about them and they no longer become a thing you desire.

I wonder what it is like for Vegans?

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  kixslf said:
sounds interesting enough to me.

It is strange that you really notice the foods you want when you cannot have them... but after a while you pretty much just forget about them and they no longer become a thing you desire.

I wonder what it is like for Vegans?

must suck

all the vegans I know always cave when they're drunk and eat hamburgers with me, and they enjoy them thoroughly, but always deny it when you bring it up cause it calls into their "authenticity" as vegans


mass: what does me being jewish have to do with anything/your boss. sorry about him being racist.

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one time, actually a sunday night a couple weeks ago, i pulled a drunk homeless man out from under a moving train. after i helped him stand up, he said to me, "gotta beat the iron, son."

then realized that this was the only time in my entire life i will probably directly save someone's life, & that the dude was too drunk to remember it.

i should've called the cops, but instead i got hammered.

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should have clarified. the (freight)train has stopped because there's a station like half a mile from where this happened. it started moving again, albeit at a slower speed, while the drunk dude was underneath it, apparently trying to crawl under it.

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a couple of nights ago me and my girl were drinking some whiskey and then we split an ambien. homegirl passed out and i was left to my own devices and decided to take 2 and a half more ambien. after sitting on the couch facebooking on my phone drinking more whiskey i felt a gust of wind blow in the window beside me that called me into the night.

i woke up on the ground tangled in my bicycle in a part of town i usually do not travel in. when i got up i fell again then tried to call my girlfriend 12 times in the period of two hours between 2 and 4 a.m. finally after struggling to find my way i made my way back to my girls covered from head to toe in blood. my bike, my clothes everything was blood.

needless to say my ambien intake has been decreased

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  kixslf said:
I wonder what it is like for Vegans?

girl i know who hasn't touched meat in 7 years says she doesn't even remember what it tastes like

but she always comes to the BBQs and last time she brought some tofu sausages.... that was weird

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nah, I mean, I've had vegan spaghetti and "meatballs", and it ain't bad, but nothing beats the real thing

mikey, wrote something after yall called me out. Think it came out alright. Thanks for callin it, u 2 mass.

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i got into a catty (boy vs girl) argument over the stupidest shit eve

he put his pants in the dryer when he was in the laundry when he was trying to find him/ the money.

it was ridiculous and made me laugh because my opoliogies.

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i just got booked for a DUI for being .02 over the limit.. given that i am a minor though..

i'm going to fight it. the place i was caught in was in another city where the jurisdiction of the cop that caught me shouldn't have been. also he was pretty incompetent, not knowing simple police codes and how to use a breathalyzer.

fuck that shit.

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  kixslf said:
i love how vegans act when they go to BBQ's

"don't touch my vegetarian sausagesw ith that fork, you used it on your meat!!"


  jeepster said:
I hate the fact that vegan places make "imitation" meat. If you wanted to be vegan, it's cause you didn't wanna eat anything that looks or tastes like meat, right? fuckin silly.

or like they say that they don't like how the animals are treated ect... bitch stfu you ren't making a fucking difference. it's only to put your own conciensce at ease and pretend you are doing 'good'

they'r all just self righteous bastards :mad::(

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