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jpgm, that was not nice. :( .


i just got charged $15 to change my cell phone number b/c my ex started leaving Musiq Soulchild songs on my voicemail.

now on to texting everyone that i changed it. hmph. :mad:

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Was that a cruel joke? Musiq soulchild sucks.

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Was that a cruel joke? Musiq soulchild sucks.

it was his attempt to tell me he will love me when my hair turns grey. hahahha

+1. wasn't aware people were still listening to this guy in 2008.

yeah, i have no idea where he got the song from, but he is a fob.

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so my most recent ex and i said we would remain friends after the breakup and remained in touch via phone etc for a while, until one day she told me that she just needed to stop talking to me forever because she wasnt over us and talking to me would never be comfortable on a friend level. at this point i was pretty much completely over us and feeling fine and this came out of the blue so i was a bit let down since i did still value her friendship, but everyone gets over shit in their own way so i let it be. it slipped my mind completely pretty much for the duration of school but now that ive gotten back home shit has hit the fan and gotten awkward as hell.

back at home we both have the same group of friends, but since she commuted to school she didnt make many close friends there and basically still hangs out exclusively with our home friends. i dormed at college made new friends etc so she became much more attached to our old friends than i have. now that everyone is back for summer basically she has been inviting every fucking friend i have to her house to party and then making things incredibly awkward with them by making me find out through them that i wasnt invited. in addition i guess to replace me at these parties she invites her old ex from before me who she used to hate, even though he doesnt know anyone there. and then pics go up on facebook with him and her like shoving her ass in the air and her just writing 'LOL I LOOK SO DRUNK' on all of them. she was never the party type either and would never do anything remotely promiscuous.

anyways the point of this way too long post was that i cant help but think its all to get my attention and make me jealous or something, seeing as how the last party of hers over thanksgiving i was at she threw up all over my hands and cried in my lap the entire night about how she misses me and she hates me for letting her go

sigh. all i wanted to do this summer was hit on hipster girls with a clear mind is that too much to ask?

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I was forced to see the Sex & the City movie tonight.

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Dude, don't worry. She is just being a vengeful bitch. Hit on all the hipster chicks you want, and just live your life. She seems to be heading towards a crazy downward spiral anyway.

+1...this type of shit is the reason why i feel so detached and emotionless with respect to the need for having that kind of relationship in my life right now.

I'm at a point where I pretty much live in solitude...i mean i still have a core group of people i interact with and get out every once in a while to stay connected to the outside world, but it is beginning to interest me less and less. Most days I would rather do without the noise and just enjoy some quiet time, watching movies, reading, walking around with a smoke etc. I'm good though...feeling pretty mellow about a lot of things, maybe it has something to do with that detachment or not, maybe i am finally beginning to mature... who knows but i try to think about things as little as possible.

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+1...this type of shit is the reason why i feel so detached and emotionless with respect to the need for having that kind of relationship in my life right now.

I'm at a point where I pretty much live in solitude...i mean i still have a core group of people i interact with and get out every once in a while to stay connected to the outside world, but it is beginning to interest me less and less. Most days I would rather do without the noise and just enjoy some quiet time, watching movies, reading, walking around with a smoke etc. I'm good though...feeling pretty mellow about a lot of things, maybe it has something to do with that detachment or not, maybe i am finally beginning to mature... who knows but i try to think about things as little as possible.

RELATIONATION. i'm sitting alone on a friday night listening to music writing and staring at the food network. im a young (20) college dude and i'm always able to participate in, up for, but only sometimes prefer the partying guzzling carrying on skeeze on random hutches sort of night. where most people my age would feel pretty insignificant doing what im doing at this particular time on this particular day of the week i feel quite at ease and comfortable.

oh classic americas funniest home videos (fuck that hip afv bullshit) peep yall niggas later.

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sigh. all i wanted to do this summer was hit on hipster girls with a clear mind is that too much to ask?

You go to NYU right? Why ain't you knockin' on dem doors at Brittany hall????!?!?

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yea you better watch out. you started a blood feud. those spiders got fam ya know. cousins are gonna come clap yo ass.

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You go to NYU right? Why ain't you knockin' on dem doors at Brittany hall????!?!?

what makes you think the games havent already begun hohohoho

everyone is pretty much right though, i guess i just would have preferred if she didnt make it into a divorced-parents-and-the-kids-only-see-dad-on-the-weekends situation where the people between have to choose who to chill with. always with the unnecessary drama

anyways back to fantasizing about porkpie, kanye shades, aa hoodie, deep vneck, cheap monday and vans wearin gurl.

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I've been stung by bees/wasps maybe 25 times. They do not like me.

ive never had a wasp nasty, but until i was about 15 or so, i would literally get stung by a bee every few months. i mustve been stung at least 50 times in my life. since then though, ive only had the pleasure on a few occasions. weird.

Once I stepped on a dead wasp and it stung me and the after school lady said it didn't count as a real sting and I wasn't allowed a band aid.

the after school lady is a bitch.

do wasps really hurt that much more than bees?

bees are more annoying than painful....the itch sucks the most.

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^^never had a wasp sting. for some reason, i was crawling on the ground behind my couch and my palm hit a dead bee. that motherfucker hurt so bad, i cried.

but i sucked the stinger out and put honey on top...it made it better.

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There's something about putting honey on a bee sting that makes my skin crawl. Like, feeding bacon to pigs or something.

People getting stung by a lot of bees really freaks me out -- it brings to mind 'My Girl' where poor Macaulay was put to death by method of bees.

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There's something about putting honey on a bee sting that makes my skin crawl. Like, feeding bacon to pigs or something.

People getting stung by a lot of bees really freaks me out -- it brings to mind 'My Girl' where poor Macaulay was put to death by method of bees.

speaking of bees, I bought www.evenbeekeepersgetstung.com the other day LOL

I'm not quite sure what to do with the url just yet, either an e-zine or an animal mauling video depository I reckon...

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