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Evolution of Leather Goods: Before and After Pictures

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If you put it on right after you tan it, the heat from the leather helps to melt the mink paste. Then you wipe off the excess. They also sell mink oil in liquid form.

I only use the cleaning lotion to take of the indigo.

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I use Allen Edmons Leather Conditioner...but its a personal preference I think. Talk to your local cobbler.

the cobbler i went torecommended Meltonian Leather Lotion, but he was just a shoe repairman in a subway station. I'm not sure if he just wanted to sell me something. He said mink oil is too heavy/sticky/greasy.

so are you happy with just using leather conditioner? i know there's a strong preference in these parts for heavy duty stuff like obenauf's oil, neatsfoot oil, etc.

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the cobbler i went torecommended Meltonian Leather Lotion, but he was just a shoe repairman in a subway station. I'm not sure if he just wanted to sell me something. He said mink oil is too heavy/sticky/greasy.

so are you happy with just using leather conditioner? i know there's a strong preference in these parts for heavy duty stuff like obenauf's oil, neatsfoot oil, etc.

I prefer conditioners because mink oil changes the colour...conditioner usually keeps it looking the same...but its all a personal preference. You could always buy whichever and test a little spot on the inside to see if you like the results.

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I prefer conditioners because mink oil changes the colour...conditioner usually keeps it looking the same...but its all a personal preference. You could always buy whichever and test a little spot on the inside to see if you like the results.

Yeah, but it doesn't really change the color at all if you use the 'mink oil' cream/compound instead of the actual oil concentrate.

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seems like redmoon has adjust its card slot

nice pickup man

going to HK on 15th

gotta check out T5:)

from what benny told me( owner of take5) they had a collabo with redmoon because most of hi customers need a picture slot and card slots.. so there all redmoon's dont have these slots.. cheers thanks man!

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you have to check them out talk to benny tell him you know me from the sufu.. man he's really nice he even has jeans there he wore as sample's and redmoon from like 2 years ago as sample.. good luck man make sure to bring lotsa cash with ya

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you have to check them out talk to benny tell him you know me from the sufu.. man he's really nice he even has jeans there he wore as sample's and redmoon from like 2 years ago as sample.. good luck man make sure to bring lotsa cash with ya

i will talk to him for sure...he still owe me the memeber card or 20% card cuz he told me if i spend more than $3000 HK...which i did, i bought my RM there also, he will give me one...but i didnt receive it when it shipped to texas

dame...just notice you and i join on the same month, same year...but you have like 17x more posts then i do....:D

btw...just notice from your pics...where is the braid for the RM?..is it that short one with the brass hook??

you bought your redwing at area 0264? heard there is a collaboration b/w them and redwing...

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Does someone have a picture of a short wallet (HR-01) with a (leather) chain?

You can let the people at 2nd put a hole into the wallet for you so I was wondering if that is the first option without the price is to just put a hole in it right? (the option with the C infront of the japanese characters) http://item.rakuten.co.jp/2nd/rm-hr-01a

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first tanning session

with rw mink oil while tanning applied a good sum of the oil before tanning










just showing you guys the inside i aint tanning these inside..

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hey chicken yeah i will post pictures.. actually ive started using them tuned a bit dark but not so much been using them today no indigo stain yet so far i think ive succeed...

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hey chicken yeah i will post pictures.. actually ive started using them tuned a bit dark but not so much been using them today no indigo stain yet so far i think ive succeed...

in the future, there will be indigo stain on it..mink oil wont protect it...

imo, i wouldnt put mink oil either because the purpose of mink oil is to waterproofing only, but when you applied (a good sum) it, it block the pores of the leather which will crack it overtime.

mink oil should be applied very very minimal and should be wipe out after a while.

i only used lexol conditioner......

post more pics when finish:)

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