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straight shaves are a tough one around here. theres a barber shop in the four seasons hotel in yorkville. i think its 20-25. really good shave though. dont let the lady touch you, if the old guy aint there then leave. currados on bathurst @ queen is the best place to go but if hes busy he wont sit you for just a shave. its 20 for the shave and he will tell you about how good the hookers in sicily are or about some girl who gave him a blowjob for change one day. the dude is fucking wicked. probably the best barber experience youll get around here. the old guys in the portugese shop at college/ossington will charge you 16 i think, and they give good shaves too, but theres something lacking in the atmosphere. maybe its cause they wont say a word to you if you only speak english. dude at blood and bandages down the street says hell be doing straight shaves once he gets someone else to take the second chair but for now its a no go.

ive walked into every shop in the downtown area asking for shaves and this is all ive found. i say go to corrados. dude is wicked.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Alright so finally I am prepared to make my move within the next month, although I still don't have a job or an apartment lined up I have enough money saved up to help get me through the turnover.

If there is anyone on this board currently living in Toronto that doesn't mind adding me to messenger to answer the shitty little questions I have on occasion that would be totally unreal.

As far as locations go I'm really leaning towards the annex, but it seems to be a bit on the pricier side which isn't great for someone who doesn't have a job lined up. I also don't really look forward to spending $900 on a 1 bedroom when I could get a spectucular 2 bedroom with a roommate for $1200 or so.

Those of you that live in Toronto, what do you suggest for affordable :

Grocery, Entertainment, Take-out, Various apartment supplies?

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  Hocus Pocus said:
Honestly, I probably know people you could move in with. Nuff people have strange living arrangments right now.

I'm pretty picky about my living arrangements, but I am definitely interested. It would be great to have someone to split rent with off the hop, and would only have to worry about furnishing my room instead of the whole place. Although I doubt I would be much of a problem for others there are tons of things that make living arrangements suck for me.

Here are my deets :

I'm a 20 year old white non drinker / non smoker. I don't give a shit if other people do it, I just don't want to live in a place that people smoke or get high inside of, or have to constantly worry about people passed out in the hallway or living room floor. I'm cool with animals but would really prefer to not have them at my place. If I did move in with some people, I have a friend coming in August or September that I would be moving in with so it would only be temp. I don't drive, I'm not loud but I can be an arrogant prick. Really would prefer a high rise building to a low rise one but against beggers can't be choosers.

If you think there is ANY possibility of that working out. Feel free to let me know whats up. Having a temp place to live for a few months would be pretty sick.

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if by crush you mean ragin boner, then yes. but if you mean distant adoration, youre dead wrong. ive made that nigga my bitch on several occasions. now i pimp him to other supergays. ill probly have you wastign the $8000 on cambridge handjobs the second you get here.

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Hey man, first off I would like to say Toronto is a really great city. I live in Pickering (about 25 minutes away by Go Train), and I go downtown quite often. This is a huge move, and you must be really excited.

The good news is, if shit doesn't work out, I'm guessing you have options other than being a homeless dude who begs me for change outside of Union. You're still young, so your parents will take you back if need be.

I'm 21, a recent college graduate (in web design and development), and I've had dreams of moving downtown into a nice apartment with a few friends and living it up. Unfortunately, I don't have 8g's saved up to be able to do this, lol.

I don't know much about living arrangments in Toronto, other than the obvious. The closer you are to the core, the more expensive the place will be. The transit is fantastic though, and you have many options (bus, streetcar, subway), that come around every 10 minutes or sooner.

I don't have much advice to give, and most of the stuff you need to hear has been said already, but I wish you luck and hope you have a good time in the T DOT!

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Thanks Phyziks


This place appears to be an incredible deal.

The problem I have is living with a roommate is so much cheaper than a bachelor or 1 bedroom. Living in a $750 1 br is the equivilant of living in a $1500 2 br, which isn't necessary by any means. King and Dufferin is pretty damn close to the core of downtown. Is there anything that can be said about this apartment or location that could make me understand why its so cheap? Or is it just a good deal.

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If you end up being able to deal with having a rommie, there's a ton of places around the Sherbourne/Bloor area for reasonable coin (I found a good amount from 1200-1400, all util's). I've been looking at that area in particular for a while because it's pretty centralized for my interests, and I was surprised at how decent the prices were. Since I'm not sure if we're going to end up making the move in September, figured I'd throw it out there. Wondering what all the guys who actually live in town think too.

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  newaesthetic said:
If you end up being able to deal with having a rommie, there's a ton of places around the Sherbourne/Bloor area for reasonable coin (I found a good amount from 1200-1400, all util's). I've been looking at that area in particular for a while because it's pretty centralized for my interests, and I was surprised at how decent the prices were. Since I'm not sure if we're going to end up making the move in September, figured I'd throw it out there. Wondering what all the guys who actually live in town think too.

I'm told that the Sherbourne/Bloor area has some serious prostitution going on. Can someone verify the accuracy of this for me please. I still haven't decided if that's a pro or a con, I'd just like to know.

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sherbourne/wellesely (tranny alley) is probably where id move to if id have known how poppin it was when i first moved here. theres really nowhere else to get a blowjob from a 200lb greek man with implants at 4:30am on a wednesday. i know some other parts of the city come with their own set of amenities, but that simply cannot be topped. im one for convenience.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Damn, I wish I'd seen this thread a month ago. I just moved to TO from Ireland with a mere 2Gs, but found a sweet place really fast -a great house just off Spadina, sharing with a few other girls but they're all cool. Rent is $535 all inclusive, and because it's so central I rarely have to take transit (feel like i'm saving a hunnerd a month!)

Still have to find a job though, and being unemployed is not really conducive to meeting people. I like the city though, especially the Kensington and Queen StW areas.

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  supermanda said:
Damn, I wish I'd seen this thread a month ago. I just moved to TO from Ireland with a mere 2Gs, but found a sweet place really fast -a great house just off Spadina, sharing with a few other girls but they're all cool. Rent is $535 all inclusive, and because it's so central I rarely have to take transit (feel like i'm saving a hunnerd a month!)

Still have to find a job though, and being unemployed is not really conducive to meeting people. I like the city though, especially the Kensington and Queen StW areas.

This is cool, although 2 grand isn't very much to make that move with. Keep me up to date on how you are doing! It's looking like my move is going to be for September 1st. I'm pretty excited, but I've also been very very cautious.

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I've been reading this and it's helping me even though I am still in high school I plan on moving Toronto after college.. I have been there probably 10 times totally and everytime I go I love it more but I mean it's probably because I come from such a shitty small town in midwest America it's only 40,000 people and nothing really to do.. I mean we have nothing it terms of shopping we lost the gap because it wasn't making enough money.... thats sad and our mall is carpted and has really no good stores so I want to get out asap

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  casual_coal said:
I've been reading this and it's helping me even though I am still in high school I plan on moving Toronto after college.. I have been there probably 10 times totally and everytime I go I love it more but I mean it's probably because I come from such a shitty small town in midwest America it's only 40,000 people and nothing really to do.. I mean we have nothing it terms of shopping we lost the gap because it wasn't making enough money.... thats sad and our mall is carpted and has really no good stores so I want to get out asap

We come from very similar situations. Except my shitty 40,000 person town is in Atlantic Canada. I feel your pain.

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Okay, so who wants to move into this apartment with me on September 1st? This place is a killlller fucking deal.


Having said that, I'm looking for a two bedroom at a maximum of $1200 utilities included, as central as possible. I kind of would dig living in a high rise building just because there is no such a thing where I come from and it will be cool to hang out on the tenth floor or some shit. If you have any ideas / know of any places let me knooow.

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