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worst (sufu) waywt fits

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  selectivebeef said:
that guy is on a hating spree. he sent me a pm with the title "Yeah I`m white and I ate Yum cha before Motherfucker, also like some good gio xi, yo" i dont know what the fuck he's talking about. what the fuck is yum cha?? :confused:

You and me both. I think it was just his time of the month.

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  StuckOnStupid said:
how do i put this?

this is exactly what not to do with this kind of gear. you manage to make jeans, a ball cap and a t-shirt look corny as fuck. and the backpack is the nail in the coffin. you look like Dialated People's merch table guy's little brother. And the fact that you are posing in some hellish Californian subdivision makes it even worse.

  StuckOnStupid said:
and what the fuck, are those shrink to fits? this is bad even by teenage streetwear standards. ive said it before and i'l say it again....take at look at your street. now take a look at your streetwear. what people on THAT fucking street are wearing supreme from the internet? You, that's who. there are 12 year old skaters from the upper east side that have more swagger right now than you'll ever have.

why am i so mad right now? because its hot and i have no cigarettes and my girlfriends cranky and i have no food, just rum.

i dont live in california, i have a bookbag on because i just got from school, and those arent stfs. i dont know what the fuck teenage streetwear standards are and maybe i have to go by them since i am a teenager. what the fuck does my street have to do with anything? also my supreme is not from the internet so if you dont know what the fuck you are talking about then dont talk and i dont give a fuck about what people on my street are wearing. if you want to hate on what i wear then keep hating. i dont give a fuck and ive seen some of your fits too and by what youve posted you have no reason to be talking about what im wearing. and despite what you think there are plenty of members on here that think otherwise about my fits.

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FUCK i know its been quoted before but I CAN NOT STOP LAUGHING AT THIS SHIT

props to whoever pointed out that he was taking himself from behind, seriously

also, i'm chinese (mandarin) and what the fuck is yum cha?! i think more white people know what that shit is than non-canto chinese...

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  DJ_Flame said:
Isn't Yum Cha the act of eating dim sum?

goddamnit there is nothing worse in this world than debating about what is being said in english typed chinese (and this is coming from a chinese man, me), let's get back to posting shitty fits and hatin on ppl, that's what this thread is all about, or should be

(no offense to DJ flame personally)

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i'm not sure why B.t.h. is getting hated on so much, i've never seen him wear anything particularly questionable...most of his fits seem to be what most superfuturians would approve of (supreme, jap repros and vans? basically the 3 most popular brands/styles on the entirety of superfuture). kids jeans fit well, tees fit well, and generally has nice kicks, so i'm not entirely sure what reason there is not to like him. is it the name? he's growing up past looking like the majority of hypebeast kids who are wearing shit like this


his clothes fit, there's nothing screened on the cock of his jeans, and his shoes weren't designed by pharell. ease up on the kid.

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  Clopek said:
nuff said234

nope not nuff.

It looks nice and comfy to me. I say it's yet another timeless ageless comfy look he seems to do so well. ddohnggo I can't believe you made it here twice :) I always love your fits, and if I really had to nit-pick I would change those poells to cdiems (if you haven't got rid of them).

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they look damn comfy too mariah_carey_300x400e8a.jpg

i'm not saying don't be comfortable, but it just looks blah. anyone ever read harry potter? this look reminds me of the way they describe harry's dyed grey school uniform...something like "bits of old elephant skin." i'm sure he's pulled off great looks in the past, but this is seriously not good.

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  Clopek said:
they look damn comfy too mariah_carey_300x400e8a.jpg

i'm not saying don't be comfortable, but it just looks blah. anyone ever read harry potter? this look reminds me of the way they describe harry's dyed grey school uniform...something like "bits of old elephant skin." i'm sure he's pulled off great looks in the past, but this is seriously not good.

Is that the milf from Desperate housewives on the right?

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just my $0.02:

jhey's fit wasn't awful. Considering he's 15, it's not a bad start. Just pick up some better jeans, get a smaller shirt. Something original by the way, not a band your brother saw. i'm fucking sick of these dillitantes wearing shirts with Operation Ivy/Misfits/Joy Division art but they've never so much as listened to an album the entire way through. Also, do something with your hair. You're not in the military, try growing it out a little. Also, you take nice picture, just don't slap random macros all over them.

niethan's first fit wasn't bad, but the armpit one was pretty bad. Find a different top.

ddohnggo's fit wasn't too bad either, just really ordinary. No need to layer a longsleeve, either.

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  mellowbonsai said:

ddohnggo's fit wasn't too bad either, just really ordinary. No need to layer a longsleeve, either.

That's a detail of the shirt at the collar.

I personally like ddohnggo's fit. I think he does casual and cool very well.

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  goldengloves said:

I personally like ddohnggo's fit. I think he does casual and cool very well.

As has been said before, the "problem" with his fits is that he is not a great photographer, and they end up looking dark and/or flat. The "ordinary" appearance of his clothing is a testimony to the subtlety of the garments.

goldengloves, I am extremely envious of your RO jacket, btw.

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  mellowbonsai said:

jhey's fit wasn't awful. Considering he's 15, it's not a bad start. Just pick up some better jeans, get a smaller shirt. Something original by the way, not a band your brother saw. i'm fucking sick of these dillitantes wearing shirts with Operation Ivy/Misfits/Joy Division art but they've never so much as listened to an album the entire way through. Also, do something with your hair. You're not in the military, try growing it out a little. Also, you take nice picture, just don't slap random macros all over them.

so youre basically saying its not a bad start, but dont do it ever again. haha

personally, i thought it was a hideous start :(

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  tangerine said:
As has been said before, the "problem" with his fits is that he is not a great photographer, and they end up looking dark and/or flat. The "ordinary" appearance of his clothing is a testimony to the subtlety of the garments.

goldengloves, I am extremely envious of your RO jacket, btw.

I couldn't rep you for this, but I would agree that most will judge an outfit half based on the photo itself. I think if ddohnggo shot the same outfit against a building or in an alley way, it would have never ended up here.

Thanks Tangerine. You should give Barneys a call, I'm sure they still have some in your size. ;)

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