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worst (sufu) waywt fits

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  NatseOklim said:
I'm not saying I totally disagree with all that, but I think it's only the repetition that causes anyone to think any of that. Without the repetition I doubt anyone would think any worse of his outfit.

BULLSHIT. A few months ago I actually sent that fit with the Rolling Stone shirt (I think it might have even been his first) to a fellow sufuer due to solely to sheer WTF factor

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The repetition is important though. Because not only does he feel the need to dress himself in different-yet-similar variations of the same fucking clothes, he feels the need to post them to the internet every single day. This tells you something about how he chooses and wears his clothes beyond just how they look. It's fucking awful, and the repetition really bangs that home.

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  catchforusthefoxes said:
The reason i personally think it belongs in worst is because there's such an awkward clash of skin tight "denim guy" clothing and flat brim hats//new footwear.

It's like, what is he going for?

ya; every time i scroll by one of his pictures i stop and have this "Huh?" moment. dude's extremities are trying to hit the gym while the rest of him is on a construction site

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not everyone who hasn't posted a fit is scared, i've posted one - and i found it to be one of the most useless things i've contributed to the community.

if you know what you post wouldn't interest anyone, why bother? That shouldn't, and doesn't, revoke my right to critique other people's attire.

I'm not a brilliant designer, but i can spot a brilliant design concept.

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  NatseOklim said:
And I believe you've "earned" that right, anyone who is too scurred to post a fit should really sit down and shut the fuck up.

Oldest argument in waywt. Usually made by people who are butthurt for having their fit shitted on.

If someone posts a picture of themselves in a thread that's meant for people to look at what they are wearing, they should expect to receive positive and negative comments from anyone. There are no prerequisites for commenting on something that's on the internet.

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  Layne said:
I thought this was mandatory... I'm not joking. Are you not supposed to do this?

If you're going to the show, everybody already knows you're a fan of the band. you don't need to wear a band tee as well. That's like wearing a shirt that says "I like t-shirts"

Obviously, if you bought it at the show, you're allowed to wear it. but that then opens up a whole discussion circling around "what kind of idiot would pay $35 for a band tee when they can get it on ebay for so much cheaper?"

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  goat said:
If you're going to the show, everybody already knows you're a fan of the band. you don't need to wear a band tee as well. That's like wearing a shirt that says "I like t-shirts"

Obviously, if you bought it at the show, you're allowed to wear it. but that then opens up a whole discussion circling around "what kind of idiot would pay $35 for a band tee when they can get it on ebay for so much cheaper?"

i'd buy it at the concert to support the band, but i never go go concerts anyways so vOv

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