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worst (sufu) waywt fits

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  Pavlov said:
I neg'd b/c of the snarky "... and look average" bit that was thrown in there.

I can't believe this has taken up almost 3 pages of comments on here. I love you guys.

The comment was about your build, not the outfit.

But your comment wasn't about that at all:

Pavlov's Bell go ride your fixie into a wall

But tis ok.

I found your pre-haircut, dress up days, picture.


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  Whodinihimself said:
Not his worst, but something does look off about it. Jacket looks about one size too small....doesn't look like there's any room for layering inside.

I think it's the thunder-thighs to cuff ratio, and the low camera perspective. He's probably on the shorter side 5'7-5'8", so the hem isn't helping him, but the jacket looks like it fits.

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Yup, that's a mess.

Everything from the colors to the image on the tee being visible..

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  ke1 said:
Holy shit Pavlov, stop talking like you're not white.
  nicelynice said:
thanks for hairy arm detail

this thread is fucking jokes, i'm dying haha

  Pavlov said:
I can't believe this has taken up almost 3 pages of comments on here. I love you guys.

it's only been about one page for me

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  crappykid said:


Bauhaus vintage t's



Samurai s2001duc


1. a t-shirt should not be exposed under a v-neck sweater

2. the only people who wear cdg play are KAGs and people with poor taste

3. redmoon leather thing should not be worn with those pants

4. those pants are ugly and the color does not match with the other pieces

5. your boat shoe-tassel-loafer looks like shit

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  Vampyrvargfesten said:
you look like an urban outfitters sales associate

cool "LAZY BEANIE" bro

cool slim fit blazer bro

cool girlie jeans bro

yes that sweatshirt/sweater makes it all the worse.

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  Gecko said:
This isn't in here already?

Too easy?

was gonna. but way too ez

i searched up that guys post history just because that fit was sooo bad and i was curious if he was just some random that knew nothing about clothes and decided it would be a good idea to post a fit but.





now im just sad for him

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  lmaozedong said:
was gonna. but way too ez

i searched up that guys post history just because that fit was sooo bad and i was curious if he was just some random that knew nothing about clothes and decided it would be a good idea to post a fit but.





now im just sad for him

Be sad for me when I care enough to go through someone post history, I have a long way to go.

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  aint0vertilitsover said:
Be sad for me when I care enough to go through someone post history, I have a long way to go.

dude...just let it go. it's not helping you to act really hurt by the internet.

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  aint0vertilitsover said:
Hi doctor Phil, thanks for letting me know how I come off. Better than expected considering I am actually crying my eyes out irl :).

...I'm sure you actually are. Seriously though it's not that big of a deal to get ripped on worst waywt. just be more careful when posting a fit if you don't want people to mock you for it. I.e. post with care.

you can't give us that bullshit "lol I don't even give a shit i troll u", because by posting a picture you sort of proved that you DO care. Otherwise you wouldn't post.

So get those pants hemmed first, and for christ's sake get rid of that modern day samurai ponytail thing. You aren't the highlander, man.

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  cheapmuthafukr said:
does this mean i shouldnt grow my hair out like that? i was looking forward to having a pony tail... :confused:

there can be only one, man. i'm betting it's you more than it is him.

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  RandR said:
...I'm sure you actually are. Seriously though it's not that big of a deal to get ripped on worst waywt.


just be more careful when posting a fit if you don't want people to mock you for it. I.e. post with care.

Not too concerned, my beef is with the Lmoadong fellow only and even then my rant is over.

you can't give us that bullshit "lol I don't even give a shit i troll u", because by posting a picture you sort of proved that you DO care. Otherwise you wouldn't post.

I won't and you are on the money, getting feedback is also part of it tho. That said I still care about the size of my penis more than my rep power at the moment and thus I don't feel the need to post my shitty post in 5 different threads. Just a matter of time I guess.

So get those pants hemmed first, and for christ's sake get rid of that modern day samurai ponytail thing. You aren't the highlander, man.


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  RandR said:

So get those pants hemmed first, and for christ's sake get rid of that modern day samurai ponytail thing. You aren't the highlander, man.

Shit, just forget about hemming those bell-bottom pants.

he needs a haircut and a 1 month gym pass.

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