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Out in Left Field (1/1/2012-1/1/2013)


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Hey Mapz, that's the biggest problem in shirting now a days everybody's tripping over the same Japanese fabric suppliers, kind of why I didn't do any woven shirts for spring. I was hoping for a stronger reaction to the 12 oz tartan twill work shirts from last fall but they were kind of a sleeper although it has been a Left Field staple in Japan for about 10 years as well as made in the US. I don't think people could appreciate the fabric without touching it. Man, totally slept on the thread Andrew since I was just in LA, saw some cool bands at the wiltern and the Satalite.sorry for the nonindigo selvedge post but just wanted to follow up on that. C

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  On 4/4/2012 at 5:39 PM, fre-co said:

creme eggs are diabolical.

I have to second this statement.

It felt like I was force fed them at Easter as a kid.

So sickly.

Great Novelty though.

This contest is shaping up really well guys. Great fades and story's so far :-)

On another Note I have some Left field items winging their way to me now.

Hbt JP Chinos and a dead stock Sweat.

Can wait. Christian was (of course) very helpful.


Edited by UkeNo
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Sorry it's been so long since my last update guys.


Spent the morning outside. I mowed our yard, can't get enough water into the sumbitch. Water it in the morning and at night, still tons of brown patches. Hopefully whoever moves in after us is all about the yard. I have fertlized, but I digress.


PEONIES! We can make these grow however. There is a small patch we share with our neighbors.


we've been busy packing our house up for our move to Oklahoma next week .


Our pastor dropped by to make us a nice dinner. He is Malaysian so this is a hybrid of Malaysian, Indian, and American food. It was tasty. Some 'curry' with delicious rice and stir fried noodles and this delicious Mango 'Lassi'


stupid t-shirt makin me look fat (it was all that curry :D)

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  On 5/26/2012 at 5:07 AM, kansas said:

where in ok? peonies are beauties....check for ants before bringing into house!

  On 5/26/2012 at 5:10 AM, Happy Hooligan said:

Yeah, I going to mention the ants on those... They love them....

We're moving to the Tulsa area. We're going to be staying with family initially, just until we get our feet on the ground. I'll be going to school in Jenks,OK. But we'll likely be in Tulsa proper or one of the outlying suburbs it just depends. Our rent will more or less double (if not more) going from rural NE to urban OK.

Funny you should mention the ants, they are necessary for peonies to bloom. So many people end up killing off their peonies or preventing them from flowering by spraying them with pesticide to kill the ants. Apparently the ants eat away at the 'pod' so they can open and bloom. My wife found all this out after she saw ours COVERED in them.

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so, what to do when the heat index is 100? hang out outside all day and cook a pork chop in a kid's bbq "competition".

the set up






fun times

so, robbie. good info on the ants. good luck on the move and new town. i've got friends in tulsa that really dig it.

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^looks tasty

We're excited. Two of my very best childhood/high school friends are in tulsa now, as well as my wife's very best friend. It will be great. we've been somewhat isolated the past two years having to make trips home or over to Lincoln if we wanted to see friends.

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Good luck with the move Robbie.

Nice work wearing your pants in that heat Kansas. It's been getting hot around here lately.

Jack wasn't feeling well on Thursday so I took the day off on Friday to hang with him.



Checked out the back yard this morning.


Then we went for a walk just in our immediate neighborhood.




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i love moving! good luck, robbie. it'll be fun reassembling all your cool vintage shit in a new space.

  On 5/25/2012 at 5:49 AM, Left Field said:

Hey Mapz, that's the biggest problem in shirting now a days everybody's tripping over the same Japanese fabric suppliers, kind of why I didn't do any woven shirts for spring. I was hoping for a stronger reaction to the 12 oz tartan twill work shirts from last fall but they were kind of a sleeper although it has been a Left Field staple in Japan for about 10 years as well as made in the US. I don't think people could appreciate the fabric without touching it. Man, totally slept on the thread Andrew since I was just in LA, saw some cool bands at the wiltern and the Satalite.sorry for the nonindigo selvedge post but just wanted to follow up on that. C

yeah i figured that much. the fabric suppliers side of things is all too interesting - i'd love to just be in a room with all of it, going around nerding out on fabrics all day. but i'm guessing it must be agony making decisions. but after seeing it on ADH, i must say i dig the LF run better - short sleeves seem to make more sense for the fabric, and i prefer button-down collars.

its 100 degree weather and sunny out where i am. thought it a good time to take the first summer time snaps of my progress. one hand wash, one machine wash later...








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So I had to drop off my contest LF's at Self Edge for repairs a few days ago. I've been wearing these while my contest pair is gone. These are the LF natural chino. Tomorrow I'm hanging out with Dkatz and I'll post some pictures tomorrow night of something you all might like :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:





Went shooting today. Left Field, Left Field, Rodeo Ralph Lauren, Remington.



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nice look. fyi RRL doesn't stand for rodeo ralph lauren - that's just a long uncorrected error in the thread title. not sure where he got it from.

RRL is named after the double rl ranch which was named for ralph and ricky (his wife) lauren. just some useless trivia for you.

i've got a remington 870 12 guage - quality weapon

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  On 5/31/2012 at 4:09 AM, ADH92 said:

Tomorrow I'm hanging out with Dkatz and I'll post some pictures tomorrow night of something you all might like :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Looking forward to some burritos! Although I admit that the above quote does make it sound like you might have something planned that I should know about.

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