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IC: DH black 19cm sz. 27


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I have a pair of black 19cm's in size 27 for sale. Bought them from acid-bitter&sad but to my discontent they turned out to be too small. I may stretch them and all that but I would like to see whether anyone is interested in purcharsing them off me first.

They are those exact jeans:


(I hope you don't mind a-b&s)

37 cm's in the waist.

I know that I am unknown here but I have dealt minimum with acid-bitter&sad, hurhur and Funkyfresh (multiple times with very much success). I think they could give a good word about me, never had any problem in deals made here :)

The price is exactly the same, 200 euro shipped when payed as PayPal gift, add 4% if not. Item is located in EU.

Let me know if you are interested, thanks!

Edited by vish
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