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Sugarcane VS. APC


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Im thinking on getting a new pair of jeans but i dont know what to decide between apc and sugarcane what jeans do you think is better based on fit and quality since there is somewhat of a price difference apc being $150 and the sugarcane 47's running in the $200 price range.

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AND they are completely different. both great fits, but you did not indicate YOUR preference.

my recommendation: search, read and ask a question in the appropriate thread rather than creating more clutter with a useless thread ALL ABOUT YOU-----------we're trying to get organized here. :mad:

oh, and welcome to the future-------where no one can do the hard work for you

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it would help if you indicate your preference on fit and quality as well as your body type. for example, when you try on the current levis 501, what don't you like about those? you might get some better alternatives than either apc or canes.

briefly, APC (new standard) is a slimmer cut then current 501 with a lower rise. the idea is to wear them raw and very tight (initially): the denim is so stretchy it will conform to your body. you'll want to wash rarely, else you have to start all over again with the stretching out process. rather than read 6 hours of conflicting advice on sizing in the APC thread, just call the NY APC store and ask them for help. you can return if the fit isn't right. i think quality is basically average, but they have selvage on the outseam, which is a nice detail. when they were sub-$100 they were a good deal, now they are way overpriced.

'47 canes are a japanese homage to the 1947 levi 501 fit. compared to current 501's you get better (and heavier) denim, better construction, selvage outseam, somewhat higher rise, and a much baggier fit in the rear (after a day of wear...they start out rather fitted). if you like a baggy fit, you'll like these bought true-to-size, but they are more about construction details and the japanese fixation with WWII-era americana. in japan they're a good value, but unless you import them directly, they are now over-priced in the u.s.

again, i think if you post preferences for fit you might get better suggestions then either of the above.

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Guest jeffvyain

haha. yes. welcome to superfuture--where you first get flamed for asking questions, and then someone feels sorry for you so they answer it (and usually rather well) regardless of your denial to use the search button.

since nobody actually said it directly.... USE THE SEARCH BUTTON!!!

oh man i feel so much better now

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sugar cane = football?

i stayed up to watch both the brazil match and the spain vs france one after that. i wanted spain to win so badly! they played such attractive football this finals.

yeah this weekend brasil-france,its going to be a good one.

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