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downfall - i've only seen the second half of this film, and so cannot vouch for it absolutlely wholeheartedly, but if the whole is nearly as good as what i've seen then it is amazing. a german production, it concerns the final few days of the life of adolf hitler and his most important minion as they sweat it out in his bunker within the devastated berlin. the performances in this film are amazing, bruno ganz, as hitler, didn't put a foot wrong in his portrayal as one of the most (rightly) demonised men in history. all the supporting cast were v good as well, a stand out scene being when magda goebells, one of hitlers most fanatical supporters, poisoned her children, a wretched and desperate scen that got to me. i must watch this film all the way through, and i reccomend it to everyone as a ver important piece of work. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0363163/

Yes, Der Untergang (The Downfall) was absolutely amazing, may be one of my favorite films, albeit not a new film at all (2004).

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Two films I've only seen recently but have been out for a while are Dead Mans Shoes (Shane Meadows) and Elephant (Gus Van Sant).

Stylistically they're very different (it feels like every screen shot from Elepant could be viewed as a still and continue to be compelling) but both have left a lasting impression.

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yeah, i saw it had been re-released. i've got the 10th anniversary edition - anything worth watching on the double dvd? i'm not usually a big fan of dvd extra's, i generally prefer to judge a film on its own merits, but as la haine was/is so politically charged (it was shown in a private screening to the french cabinet upon release) it gives decent opportunities for interesting extra's. i've just re watched that aerial shot i raved about in my last post, and it's not quite as good as i remember it, still pretty good though.

anyway, screencaps for you enjoyment (i hope this works and they're not too big)



another new-ish film i forgot:

goodbye lenin - a very charming german film set around an east german family during the fall of the berlin wall. the plot is a little bit contrived, pleasant enough though, but this film has buckets of charm. i'm not entirely sure if englandmj will like this film, from previous posts i believe he is a politically aware person, and if i remember correctly he is republican-ish centre right (if i am mis-representing then tell me to shut the fuck up), and goodbye lenin has a certain pleasant nostalgia for some of the soviet communist systems. in fairness it neither condones nor condemns east or west, and much more importantly it has many directorial references to kubrick and a foxy russian nurse. a very nice interesting little film: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0301357/

*possible spoiler reg. magda goebells, if you don't know what she did, and are going to watch downfall, don't read on*

downfall - i've only seen the second half of this film, and so cannot vouch for it absolutlely wholeheartedly, but if the whole is nearly as good as what i've seen then it is amazing. a german production, it concerns the final few days of the life of adolf hitler and his most important minion as they sweat it out in his bunker within the devastated berlin. the performances in this film are amazing, bruno ganz, as hitler, didn't put a foot wrong in his portrayal as one of the most (rightly) demonised men in history. all the supporting cast were v good as well, a stand out scene being when magda goebells, one of hitlers most fanatical supporters, poisoned her children, a wretched and desperate scen that got to me. i must watch this film all the way through, and i reccomend it to everyone as a ver important piece of work. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0363163/

Hey. Great suggestions and reviews. Keep it up!!!

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yo - i'd like to say that my goodbye lenin review contains a needles political slant. i'm gona go back and edit it out, partly because it could be seen as confrontational, and partly because it adds nothing to the review. this forum is best kept as a religion and politics free zone and i'd like to apologise to all concerned. any q's please pm me, cheers.

p.s. this is not moderator instigated.

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Yes, Der Untergang (The Downfall) was absolutely amazing, may be one of my favorite films, albeit not a new film at all (2004).

yeah i know it's not that new, but i'm just mentioning a few that i've seen in the last couple of years that spring to mind. of the films i have mentioned thus far i think the most interesting are (in no particular order): the beat that my heart skipped (acting, it's french and therefore cool), united 93 (pure visceral gut wrenching film making, it's real, jesus), in my fathers den (acting, it's from new zealand and therefore cool).

out of curiosity, what do you recommend? good thread btw, thanks.

oh man. jim...

i can't believe you watched 2046 without having seen in the mood for love, especially since 2046 is a bit of an alternate-universe-sequel to it. regardless, do yourself a favor and see it soon (while you're at it, just rent all of wong kar wai's films); the picture virtually defines the word 'smoldering.' not to mention that tony leung's wardrobe is about as superfuture as possible...

i know i know, my bad. i've actually since read an interview with doyle where he mentioned that 2046 may have become a bit of a labour for him and kar wai, i believe it was quite long in the making. i will certainly get in the mood for love out at your suggestion, and then re-visit 2046 in the future. to be honest i partly got 2046 out because of ziyi's porcelain doll like beauty, but the memories of the film have stayed with me for longer than the crush, even if i do pick holes in it (not a euphamism).

anyway, again apolgies to england as this film is old as the hills, but i pulled a screen cap for a different thread (on a different forum), and if anyone else is like me they have trouble reading stuff without pictures:


mystery train: ah jarmusch you american saint. three entwining stories set around a mouldering crime ridden memphis. joe strummer, screamin jay hawkins, tom waites, spike lee's younger brother, steve buscemi, memphis. i did one film module at uni several years ago and wrote an essay comparing the representation of memphis in this to the representation of NY in annie hall. annie hall is great but if i was gonna watch either tonight i would choose mystery train (to be fair i am by myself and half a bottle of red wine to the good). little perfectly observed vignettes, i like night on earth a lot as well, especially the french segment with beatrice dalle (though i disliked betty blue): http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0097940/

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Shit, we have enough "new" recommendations: fire off with the older ones, but definitely keep em' coming in terms of lesser known/foreign films.....some great recommendations Birminghamjim; I will have some things to rent for this weekend.

Some other films I recommend off the top of my head:

- Malena (Monica Bellucci at her finest, and no horribly disgusting rape scenes)

- Tae Guk Gi

- The Savior (w/ Dennis Quaid; it's about the Serbian legion, fucking amazing)

And just out of curiousity, to whoever said "Ghost Dog;" do people actually think this was a good film? I had some frat-dude friends in college (unfortunately) who loved this movie, but then again, they also loved 'Belly.' Is it one of those movies that you like just because it is blatantly ridiculous (a black, fat samurai living on a rooftop in NY), or do you actually think it was good? The acting/storyline was so horrible that it is actually one of only three films I have ever NOT watched all the way through (the others being Unforgiven and Hoop Dreams).....why do I get the feeling I am going to get some flames for the unforgiven remark....

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just remembered another one from last year: searching for the wrong-eyed jesus.

oh my god what a beautiful film. jim white narrates an amazing documentary about fanatical pentecostalism, music and economic depression in the modern american south. harry crews (read him), handsome family (listen up), and others appear as themselves.

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HOW did I miss this? So much good shit.

Any one seen Pen-ek Ratanaruang's "Last life in the universe"? couple years old but whole lot of totally understated goodness.

Also feeling Gus Van Sant at the moment. "Last days" and "Elephant" double at mine couple nights ago, straight out of the blue.

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Eh, doesn't have to be a list........just offer some recommendations.....

I just saw "Little Fish," what a fucking beautiful film...

YES!!! for once I agree with england...I loved rumble fish!!!..coppola is a great director!

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just saw the return. highly recommended - a beautiful recent russian film.

about the two boys whose father returns?? if so i really meant to catch it when it came out, didn't, and promptly forgot what it was called.

if we are talking about the same film did you know that one of the young actors died at the same time as the films premier? i believe he drowned in an odd boating accident, and i think there was strange parallels with the actual film? tragic anyway.

**the constant gardner spoilers**

i wasn't going to mention this as i didn't enjoy it that much, but as i'm here:

the constant gardner - dissapointing to say the least. worthy and dull. there was so little chemistry between fiennes and weisz i felt that they were in two different films. the plot is convoluted and relies heavily on a couple of hard to believe points: would weisz really keep her work that secret from her husband? why didn't she tell her husband that the hunky male doctor she was spending all of her time with was gay? if that letter was so fucking incriminating, and the bloke that showed it to weisz knew that she was trying to uncover the scandal, would he really leave her alone with it, and with the keys to his desk etc, merely on the promise of a shag? the film itself just 'feels' messy as well, the fault of meirelles surely. he showed such strength with city of god, a film that felt absolutely as tight as a drum, but tcg starts of with a fairly clumsy flashback, that goes on for too long, and imo as a plot device is cliched and needless. it then meanders from africa, to london, to amsterdam for some reason that escpes me now, and then back to fucking africa again. the ex-pats, spies and diplomatic staff are never introduced properly, and feel a bit 'white mischief'. the bit when weisz was walking through the slum was like watching a pregnant, pretty bob geldof. speaking of weisz's pregnancy, it seems that the little subplot revolving that was only tacked on because she was actually pregnant in real life, rather than it being an integral part of the screen play. i ahve other problems with it as well but i appear to be going on, anyway, this may not be the most cohesive criticism, but in that way it reflects the film perfectly. oh, and i know that pharmacuetical companies misbehave in the name of profit, pretty much every fucking company does, and in far more abhorrent ways than is highlighted in this charisma-less film.

i feel many of the above crits can be levelled at syrianna as well, but i can't be bothered to go into it now. back when i actually watch something i can reccommend.

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RE: old boy and the "uncessary" scence where choi min suk eats a live octopus

the dudes been locked in a cupboard for 15 years in a really really ugly room.

hes a couple of buns short of a bakers dozen.

and the eating of a live octopus nicely shows that.


good films:

1. the island (good drinking game: drink for every product placment. warning: can lead to inebrity)

2. orgazmo (and his sidelkick choder boy)

3. friend (korean film)

4. black hawk down

4. a fish called wander

5. city hunter (old old jacky chan comedy)

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about the two boys whose father returns?? if so i really meant to catch it when it came out, didn't, and promptly forgot what it was called.

if we are talking about the same film did you know that one of the young actors died at the same time as the films premier? i believe he drowned in an odd boating accident, and i think there was strange parallels with the actual film? tragic anyway.

jim - yes, that's the one. my heart just literally sank knowing that one of those boys died... they're both absolutely amazing in the film, calling up such incredibly honest emotion...


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I agree about the lack of chemistry in Constant Gardener, it was pretty poor. The film, however, was watchable.....I wouldn't say it was a "bad" film. Now Syriana on the other hand, what a piss poor excuse for a shitty film. I am not talking about the underlying idea or the acting, but rather the lack of continuity and the horrible switching from one sub-story to another, it was appalling to say the least. An undergrad film student could have filmed better than that....

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jim - yes, that's the one. my heart just literally sank knowing that one of those boys died... they're both absolutely amazing in the film, calling up such incredibly honest emotion...

Speaking of sad movies involving children. Anyone remember this, he heh:


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Is Ken Park already out? It's been banned for a while but was supposed to be released at some point. Did you see the completely unedited version?

I downloaded Ken Park a long time ago on Kazaa. Had to wait about a week to download that sucker. If you are into Larry Clark films, check out the International Center for Photography exhibit on 43rd Street and Ave of the Americas. It features a lot of stuff from Tulsa, Perfect Childhood, and Skaters, which is connected with his movie, Kids.

Anyone seen his new movie called Wassup Rockers?

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are you guys fo real? i thought constant gardner was so good, i was crying in the end, i guess i knew how it feel when you lost faith in your love one, and yet realize how stupid of you to loose faith.

and ken park....man, it's like watching a porn with story line.

and both in the mood for love and 2046 i fell asleep while watching it.

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I'm sorry but I hated Elephant. I just really felt like it was worth nothing. Wow trailing a bunch of kids giving high fives in the hall... really dull.

One movie I enjoyed recently was Americano. Guy from Dawsons Creek did a good job and aside from Dennis Hopper's bizarre role it was one of those movies that made you feel good inside and definitely made you want to travel.

Ken Park is fucked up, similar to the scale of Gummo. I'll read through this again but if you want a shocking movie check out Irreversible (it was mentioned briefly earlier but still). Definitely left me speachless and I had to stop a few times to watch it.

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get a greencine account----------better than netflix------great selection, including ANIME, you can rent porn, too

how is it better than netflix? i understand the better indie selection, but for a starving college student 21.95 for 3 at a time is too much compared to the 17.95 from netflix? do i get faster delivery? i havent had any problems with netflix, yet. what do you guys think? i all about supporting greencine just because its a local bay area company - but isnt netflix from san jose? can you guys help convice this starving college student to get a greencine account?

-later days.

ps - you cant use the porno rental as a reason. unless you guys can recommend a title that i MUST see. lol.

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good choice!

anyway, a college guy should be on the 1-out plan anyway, yes?

or if you have roomies, you could diffuse the cost of the other plans...

but you have decided, never me mind.

2-out plan, i need more movies! haha

i just caught superman returns. WOW. maybe because i expected something worse, but it was a great movie. there were great plot twists that i didnt think would occur. the pace was a little slow, but i liked it. the use of marlon brando and the music was great. i dont think anyone can knock brandon routh on his performance, im a fan of christopher reeves but routh did a great job. the costume is a cool modernization. the fortress of solitude was as cool as ever. i think, no, i know there is going to be another superman movie. they should do a justice league movie or a superman/batman movie. that would be awesome. collabo superhero movies would be tight. superman x batman!

-later days.

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Now I am a Scarlett Johansson fan, she is a great looking girl, but I was never been obsessed like many are. Putting that aside, did anyone else literally fall in love with her in this film, like it hurts to not be watching it over and over again?....her presence in the movie is fucking amazing; oh dream woman, when will you and Natalie Portman become lesbian lovers and move to Silicon Valley together?

personally she won me over in lost in translation

co-sign scarlett / natalie simultaneously

i 100% endorse nobody knows and match point

i also very much enjoyed closer

i liked audition but i think the pacing was a bit too lopsided for my tastes

i don't think it's fair to compare it to saw at all (which incidentally was probably the worst movie i've ever seen until hostel came out)

i wrote my term paper on oldboy for one of my cinema classes last term

i also really enjoyed sympathy for mr. vengeance

i've become a fan of park chan-wook's pacing and cinematography

any thoughts on lady vengeance?

i've been meaning to see it but i'm wondering if it's worth going out of my way to watch right now

also it's not that recent but if you were ever a child and ever had friends i vigorously recommend chingoo(friend)

sonatine by beat takeshi also painted a poignant picture of yakuza ennui

damn i can't believe i missed this thread until now

thanks for all the recommendations

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