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places to pump zyklon b in to


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i've never been in a fridays thankfully but once i had drinks at an applebees in this retail village just off the highway on the arkansas side of memphis. it wasn't my choice. this was the third attempt at bringing an overheating car from new orleans to wisconsin. every time the engine overheated, it has been to 4 shops to date, the last one i gave up and had the engine replaced.

anyway the scene at applebees was devastating. it was the nearest watering hole to the best western where i decided to stay the night. margaritas were $3.00 each but man i'm not sure if it was worth it in retrospect. the bartender was stressing about his girlfriend, the woman next to me worked as airline security screener and got into a debate with this fat couple about TSA regulations and there was an older guy next to me who ate his cheeseburger and entire plate of fries in one sitting. he didn't say anything. there was a younger couple i forget why they were there but they ordered fajitas and ended up throwing half the plate away.

this is the zenith of history's largest empire, and i don't think the people there could have been more depressed with how their lives turned out

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