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Wanted: your opinions/suggestions/criticism

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im working on a new design for a shirt and id like some feedback on what i have so far.

it will be made using stencils and ink. this one in particular will be two layers/stencils.

looking for:

general feedback on the design.

suggestions on improvement

suggestions for colors (shirt/stars), im pretty sure i want the girl to be black ink.

thanks alot.



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Nice image, generally the compostion is good, you need to play with the colours and balance though. IMO, the stars are too bright, i also think you should have a tone change in them flowing from the bottom left of the shirt, then becoming bolder on the top right, past the girls head.

[edit] depending on your style, the shirt is really striking as it is, it could work well.

You might want to break up that jumper, with a few different coloured stars maybe? Create a few little star islands and place them on the shirt before you spray/ roll on the black layer. I'm thinking pink.

[edit] Looking at it again, the stars would have to tiny and just below her left shoulder or something, so it doesn't block the arms.

Edited by Iambic_9 on Jun 6, 2006 at 01:46 PM

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thanks for the feedback.

just as a note, those colors were just the first thing i put on, nothing was definite. i just wanted to show the stars and scarlett were gonna be two different colors.

i also dont really want the shirt to be white. any color suggestions?

keep the feedback coming, its helpful.

originally i didnt want stars, but i also didnt want just scarlett alone, so i needed some simple design to go behind and stars were the first thing that came to mind, if you have any other suggestions, shoot.

also, i wouldnt really be able to do any sort of fading in color for the stars because im using stencils and ink, doing it myself, not getting them printed.

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goin with the theme of a girl id put lips instead of stars, something like when a girl kisses something with lipstick it keeps that shape...

as for colors id make the shirt black with black lips and make her some bright ccolor like purple or teal... idk how clear the pic would be in those colors tho?

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mix an acryllic and fabric paint and put the stencil on with a sponge or sponge roller.

i wouldn't recommend using spray paint as the shirt will smell like paint until you wash it and the color will fade... black to grey. the other colors won't fade as bad.

i like it a lot with her remaining black and bringing color in behind it.

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Do you honestly expect dudes to wear a shirt with a girl who looks like she is giving herself a hug on it? It is hard to tell that it is Scarlett until someone mentions the fact; you will find that the majority of those who are not entirely "in-the-know" (i.e. non-fanatics) won't recognize her either....There are WAY too many "streetwear" shirts with random girls on them; it is not a good look...if you want to show people that you like girls, get a girlfriend. Wearing a shirt with a picture of a girl on it is, well.........you get the point.

As far as the big stars go, it may look good on paper, but you will look like a circus clown wearing those monstrous shits.....

No hate; just my opinion............icon_smile.gif

Edited by englandmj7 on Jun 6, 2006 at 03:14 PM

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i was not planning on using spray paint. i use fabric ink and a foam roller..

and i do not plan on selling this or anything (unless people asked)..i just make shirts for myself to wear.

england..what would you like to see on a shirt? give me some ideas...instead of just pointing out whats wrong with it, let me know what i could do to make it better..

i agree the stars are a bit much, but like i said before it was just the first thing i could think of, im still working on it.

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and as far as the lips instead of stars...i think that might just make the shirt more girly.

i might just end up scrapping this idea entirely because im having a tough time with it. may have to set it aside and come back to it later.

but anyway, if anyone has any other ideas or suggestions, please, feel free.

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um. you're mixing two styles that are opposite. you have some random emo chick doing some emo pose. then you have these stars which are more pop/bape/supreme dunk style. so i can't see either one of those people wanting a shirt like this. also the stars + emo girl combo is extremely girly, maybe you should try skulls lol

on the bright side (ha) most people have ridiculously poor taste so i'm sure you could sell it.

on a related note, i like pictures of women a lot, and i like clothes a lot. but i don't understand wearing shirts with pictures of women on them. you gonna stare at your chest all day?

i should get paid for this

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Quote: also, i wouldnt really be able to do any sort of fading in color for the stars because im using stencils and ink, doing it myself, not getting them printed.

Just thinking, you would be able to introduce a fade if you carefully used a sponge on the stars.

I wasn't necessarily thinking about a fade when i mentioned a tonal change. I just meant that you could gradually change the colour tone of the stars diagonally across the shirt.

Basically, you need to find a way to give the composition more depth to what is here already.

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um. you're mixing two styles that are opposite. you have some random emo chick doing some emo pose. then you have these stars which are more pop/bape/supreme dunk style. so i can't see either one of those people wanting a shirt like this. also the stars + emo girl combo is extremely girly, maybe you should try skulls lol

on the bright side (ha) most people have ridiculously poor taste so i'm sure you could sell it.

on a related note, i like pictures of women a lot, and i like clothes a lot. but i don't understand wearing shirts with pictures of women on them. you gonna stare at your chest all day?

i should get paid for this

--- Original message by scientific on Jun 6, 2006 04:04 PM

every emo girl i know has start tattoos. stars and fleur-de-lis are the most played out emo tattoos in the book.
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Quote: england..what would you like to see on a shirt? give me some ideas...instead of just pointing out whats wrong with it, let me know what i could do to make it better..

Well, I thought my post was pretty explanatory. I don't like the girl on the shirt, or the stars, so I don't see how I could "make it better" without making an entirely new shirt. If I were able to offer suggestions on how to make a feckin' cool t-shirt I would be selling my ideas to Rogue Status.....but alas, I am not an artist....merely a critic....

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^i understand. thanks for the criticism though, honestly.

i might just end up scrapping this idea, for now at least. im having trouble working with it so i might put it aside and come back to it at a later time.

maybe if i were to sell some shirts id want something people are interested in, so...

what would you guy/girls like to see on a shirt, any particular themes or anything?

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The point I think England is making is that it is not the job of the consumer to tell you what he wants on his shirt.

A succesfull buisness is one that takes the ideas and values embedded deep inside the wee little hearts and souls of its target market, manifests them in the form of a product, and then sells them back to you, the consumer, at a hefty price in a manner that makes you feel like they and you are "on the same page", or that they in fact "represent" your ideals. You know this is carried off succesfully every time you go home feeling happy about a purchase. Or when you find yourself explaining why you "stand behind" a particular brand on an internet message board.

To answer your question in fewer words, the best shirt you or anyone else can possibly manufacture is one that the consumer doesn't even know he wants yet...You are the product...get used to it...

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good point.

well, like i said before, this design wasnt meant to be produced and sold. it was just to make for myself, and since i like it, im gonna go ahead with it and print one.

this is pretty similar to what i think the final product will look like...i will post a pic of the actual shirt once its done.


what do you all think of this one i made a little while back..




Edited by acekieffer on Jun 7, 2006 at 11:53 AM

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