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Evisu Jeans REAL OR FAKE


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Guest Berget__

On the last two the selvage is the wrong color. And they also retailed (in Sweden) for over 500$ and your getting them for 100? If something sounds to good to be true it often is...

I aint gotta get money man money get me

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i never thought about that. do bootlegers sign up to have us tell them how to make thier product better? i guess it would make sense, since we know more about that kind of shit than the people in the factorys.


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seriously, whenever somebody new or with less than 20 posts starts a thread saying 'are these (insert popular jeans) jeans fake? how can you tell?' they are most likely trying to figure out if their fakes fly or not.

i would seriously not help most of the people out. say they look fake but not why or tell them to fuck off.

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at least the bootlegers listen. people have been saying levis needs to improve thier washes and product line for a long time, and they havent done shit. i say(and im trying to find the thread) that the thai levis people should brand with thier own name, and a couple months later we see justin jenas.


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seriously, whenever somebody new or with less than 20 posts starts a thread saying 'are these (insert popular jeans) jeans fake? how can you tell?' they are most likely trying to figure out if their fakes fly or not.

i would seriously not help most of the people out. say they look fake but not why or tell them to fuck off.

--- Original message by obsessis on Jun 1, 2006 05:42 AM

Yeah, I think I'm gonna start locking threads like that.
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