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do you have a 'ring' worn into your back pocket from smokeless tobacco?


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do you keep a can of chew in your back pocket to get wear marks from it? i ask because I see that some nudie jeans have them (as chew or snus is popular in sweden) and heard someone say that they actually started chewing because of nudie jeans.

is there anyone that keeps chew in their pocket and doesn't chew?

i chew on and off and know that it is a terribly gross bad habit to have and i do not keep it in my pocket for long as i do not want wear marks, even though i don't chew everyday. i wouldn't want people to see the ring in my jeans and know that i chew.

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I got a ring on my jeans pocket from lip balm. Kinda sissyish I guess but I can't live without the stuff. I work in a Laundramat and the dryers take all the moisture out of the air. Snuff is one good way to earn the nickmane "YUCKMOUTH". Most people I know who dip snuff do not brush their teeth.

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I keep a crack pipe in my back pocket... is that close enough?

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I have numerous customers who do not chew, but use various methods to simulate the chew tin ring.

Most of us have seen all sorts of fades caused by 'accessories' (brass knuckles?!?!)

I'm not a fan, but whatever turns your crank I guess.

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why would you want a chew tin ring in your jeans if you don't chew?

brass knuckles are only tough if you actually use them.

--- Original message by obsessis on May 22, 2006 08:07 PM

yeah I look up to guys beating people up too! they are like our future, and stuff. If I could choose one guy for my little sister, I'd choose someone with knuckle wear on their jeans - provided they would actually use the knuckles.

god damnit.

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I've kept a pringles can top in my back pocket of my first selvage jeans for like 1,5 jears now, changed it from time to time cuz the plastic folds up after longer wear. but it looks just like a ring from whatever in backpocket now... might be cheating, putting stuff in your pockets for the sole purpose of having it fade into your jeans, but back then I didn really know how dry denim worked, first thing I did was wash the jeans, are turning out nicely though, but are really loose. they're kuyichi's, a dutch brand, got them for 70 euro's.

in my '44 lee I keep a lighter, that is empty but serves as a beeropener and an atelier sewing kit in my coin pocket, my wallet in my left rear, any thing in my right rear (got really cool results with a compact flash card box and a throught mint, both by accident!) my phone in my right front and my keys in my left front... so yeah I dig the stuff in pockets for fading pursoses!

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I carry an A-bomb in my back pocket... I got sick of the crack pipe. In my hood you ain't nuthin unless you are nuclear.

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In the future denim companies will probably sell big steel logo things to put in your dry Jeans pocket, nudie worn in the back pocket? Actually someone could start a business making custom ones......I heart Dry......I year no Wash.....?

Current Label Ande Whall: http://photobucket.com/albums/y278/andewhall/

Old Label Dune R.I.P: http://s53.photobucket.com/albums/g50/dunerip/

Supermarket: Custom Black Grifters: http://www.superfuture.com/city/supertalk/index.cfm?page=topic&topicID=11688

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I keep a zippo in my coin pocket even though I don't smoke... I guess it's kind of similar, though a lighter has multiple purposes where as snuff is only useful for one thing.

--- Original message by countchocula8 on May 22, 2006 09:35 AM

Count may I suggest a pocket watch if you want it to really look authentic because that what those pockets were originally designed for.
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In the future denim companies will probably sell big steel logo things to put in your dry Jeans pocket, nudie worn in the back pocket? Actually someone could start a business making custom ones......I heart Dry......I year no Wash.....?

--- Original message by andewhall on May 23, 2006 12:56 PM

this is a fucking sweet idea! Cast-iron watch pocket medallions.. imprint sweet designs into your jeans.. dude, I would so buy one!
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i carry chap stick in my coin pocket.....if that counts for anything and makes me a total pussy for not carrying brass nuckles or aids infected needs in my back pockets

but i let my chapstick sit for a while on one position adn let the wear come, adn then flipped it opposite so no i have a V on my coin pocket which is pretty cool in my opinion

but it doesnt really stand well up against keeping lgihters adn snuff in back pockjets.


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was tempted to try some of that stuff when in Norway - and then just thought 'why bother' and smoked a cig

--- Original message by Cue on May 22, 2006 09:39 AM

Snus is the shit.

One of my best friend's was an exchange student from Sweden my senior year of high school, and he turned me on to it, (along with Nudies).

Swedish snus is nothing like american snuff or chaw. It comes in very small pouches and is about 10 times more potent. It gets you goofy and it doesn't make you spit alot. Much more effective than a cigarette.

Still bad for you though.

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haha. have you heard that song 'ring worm' by Van Morrison?

"I can see by the look on your face

That you've got Ring Worm

I'm very sorry but

I have to tell you that you've got Ring Worm

It's a very common disease

Actually, you're very luck that you've got Ring Worm because

You may have had

Something Else


Check it out


Keep the Funk alive

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