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tailoring worn, unwashed jeans

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Hey, I've got a pair of Acne Mic Rigid that i've been wearing for 6-7 weeks, and they've stretched a bit in the legs. I was wondering if i should wait till after wash to see if they shrink, or should i get them tailored.

My biggest concern is that the fade will be messed up if i tailor them, since i've worn them already, or should i go for it?

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id be careful with that, depending on how much your trying to take them in, you will most likely end up messing up the fade. my friend took in a pair of jeans that were pretty worn and they ended up looking kind of rad. but probably not desired by many.

he took them in on the out seams. the front thigh had faded and the back thigh had not faded as much and after he took them in there was a distinct line where it went unnaturally dark to immediately light.

it may be safer to see if they shrink, but that will mean you'll have to wash them. so i dunno. just thought id share.

call it what you want..

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Hey, I've got a pair of Acne Mic Rigid that i've been wearing for 6-7 weeks, and they've stretched a bit in the legs. I was wondering if i should wait till after wash to see if they shrink, or should i get them tailored.

My biggest concern is that the fade will be messed up if i tailor them, since i've worn them already, or should i go for it?

--- Original message by twentyfoursevensins on May 15, 2006 09:44 PM

wait and see
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if you get them tailored before washing if they shrink you'll have jeans that don't fit. if you know that all the shrinking has occurred you won't end up with jeans that are 1.5 inches too short.

--- Original message by obsessis on May 16, 2006 02:09 AM

he means taking in the width of the legs, not the length!

våran panel tycker att man ska koka pastan i två år

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ok, well here's some pics

would getting them tailored and then wearing them for a 3 more months make the current creases i have less noticeable, and new ones more noticable, or would i just get 2 sets of creases?





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