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ROY X CONE contest, 1.1.11 - 2.1.12

Paul T

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ADH92, robbie - props for listening to your intuition

and remaining nicotine-free. I don't smoke either (and I'm 47) --

never have, never will. IMHO, there's nothing cool or attractive

about it.

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i miss smoking, the head spin, the sitting watching the world go by while i lazily roll another, hiking to the top of a mountain and having one to celebrate, problem solving thinking time smoke breaks... but damn its great having good lungs again, 2 years no smokes now (though i was very close to it while in christchurch) and the extra $45 a week is good for my new addiction of fatty food

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tg76, you don't look at all like you have an addiction to fatty food ! And I hear ya -- I love fatty food too. Nothing like french fries, pizza and coffee on a cold, wintry, rainy day !

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for me its not so much fast food (cause im gluten free so most i cant eat any way), more decadent rich fatty things, last nights was some homemade lamb burgers followed by a high fat creamy dessert

pity my genetics keep me slim but 95% of my family die of heart conditions

im also on an extreme carnivore diet.... lamb season here, go for bike ride in country, see cute little lambies....mmmmm lamb shanks

but hey... i gave up smoking, so im healthy right?

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Well, tg76 your body looks very slender and healthy. And I'm also on the same "extreme carnivore" diet...your lamb meats dish sounds delicious ! Yes, I would say...you seem very active, always hiking, working, moving, building boats, re-constructing jeans (you're super talented !!!)...and the fact that you don't smoke anymore is a big plus. You may miss the act of taking a drag and the memories that go with, but as you say...you've rediscovered your lungs. I could care less about dying..bring it on, early even ! But day-to-day living is hard enough as it is... to pile on the suffering by doing things which are clearly damaging and will eventually drag us down even more just doesn't make much sense. I know there are some that will disagree with this, but I don't think a highly carnivorous diet is at all unhealthy....I guess it all depends on your bodily constitution and what your specific body needs. I'm a pitta type (what is your dosha ?), and it sounds like you (tg76) are too.

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I'm quite a bit younger than Robbie, and although cigars and pipes have interested me I've never smoked. Maybe it is a generational thing... That said, excluding those that do opera all of my friends smoke.


Old enough to remember Morrissey, though, huh.

I only smoke on occasion. It is nice now and then, often. Other times it randomly just seems gross and I put it right out. Stress levels maybe?

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mad at myself, went mountain biking, didnt take camera cause who really cares where my ROY shorts have been, spectacular day with amazing scenery... oh well back to my marking and report writing

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I'm back from my month of travels to NYC, Montreal, Japan and Hawaii.....

Here's a few pictures from along the way (I only had a camera in Japan and Hawaii).

A snowless Mt. Fuji. I've never been to Japan at a time without a snowcap before. The weather was unseasonably warm in Japan, getting up to 30degrees some days.


Roys in action in Sea Paradise


Checking out the Moray eels


Packed and ready for Hawaii


A pretty special view


This beach was about 20m from our front door




We had a trip into Waikiki and ate lunch here. This hot dog palace was featured on the great show - diners drive-ins and dives.


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German dog, what's up Almostnice.


Truffle Mac & Cheese


More gratuitous beach action at Lanikai beach... My favorite.



Another Honolulu must visit spot.... What's up Roy?


A random car


We ate here at Keneke's a couple of times. It was our local Hawaiian barbecue joint and pretty well known. Great food. Lenny was enjoying a slackening of the junk food rules.


My roys did not get a look in in the heat here. This was before a wash and you cannot appreciate the stink of these things here...


Drinks in the hot tub


Oh noes! Look what happened at the airport on my way home.

Thats what happens when you have a toddler, unlike Almostnice.


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Love the photos Fresco. Really great.

Tonight I played in a recital at my conservatory.

Sadly, jeans weren't appropriate concert dress, but my Roy boxers were there. I'll spare you guys the pictures of those, but here's my concert black.


I can't wear all black (too serious for me) so I wore crazy socks. I need to invest in a nice pair of dress shoes. If I ever make it out to the UK I'll definitely get fit for something better as I'll need them for the rest of my life as a musician.


M didn't make the recital, but was quite dressed up for something else...


Sadly, my playing wasn't so great, and my bass has an open seam that I'll have to get repaired as soon as possible. There goes any money towards fancy dress shoes. If my bass gets repaired and my performance goes any better next Saturday I'll upload it for you guys to hear.

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They are the group buy socks. I'm a big fan. It looks like some people are going to try to put together another one soon. I need to email out the information I cataloged throughout the process, but I think they're a nice alternative to WM and the other socks that come in around 50 bucks a pair.

Thanks for the information of the B 10. I need to pick up a nice winter jacket, and I'm running out of time before it gets really cold.

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I really dug the Mystic seaport as well.

Funny you should mention the Seaport. I worked there in the summer while I was in college. My job was, believe it or not, selling peanuts and popcorn. But, it involved taking care of and operating an enormous steam powered brass- and copper-clad popcorn wagon. The little steam engine powered the popper and the roaster, but I had to pull the wagon myself, of course. Last I heard, they weren't operating it anymore because "it was too hard to take care of". Little did they know that my contempt for their laziness would brew much greater troubles...

It just happened to be a beautiful day to visit the Seaport.


Strolling through town, I decided how I'd exact my revenge...


First order of business was visiting the ship's chandlery.


I had some supplies that I needed.


They were out of 2" cordage, so I had to go make me own.


Then off to the Cooperage for some barrels...


American chestnut! They don't make 'em like this anymore.


I had to wait for an opportune moment...


...and spent my last nickel on a pint of ale to calm the nerves.


The shipsmith was busy at work, but I knew he napped at lunch time.


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So I waited some more, taking in the deep, salty air. My time has almost come...


My plan to steal the Charles W Morgan was foiled when I realized she was up in dry dock for maintenance. The last wooden whaling ship in the world could have fetched a tidy sum on the Black Market.


My mind quickly formed a Plan B as I stared intently into the Morgan's blubber pots.


I grabbed hold of the rigging and swung off the starboard deck, landing smack next to the Joseph Conrad. She's a pretty ship, and she'll have to do!


Feeling quite smug, I dreamt of many days of pillaging and plundering to come.


All in a day's work, lads and ladies... all in a day's work.


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Damn killer few posts! Fre$co takes the cake. It looks like your son genuinely appreciated the fantastic opportunity you gave him to see some of the world! I think you and we are neck-and-neck for most well-traveled ROYxCones ;)

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