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mspark, used to be able to find LVC at the Levis store on Mich Ave in Chicago but they stopped stocking LVC about a year or so ago.

Aero Leather in Scotland http://www.aeroleatherclothing.com/webapp/aeroleather/servlet/AeroViewPage?page=displaysubcatlist&subcatid=106

has some and I've found some stuff on e-bay.

Allot of the new LVC stuff is pre-aged which is not my cup of tea. I prefer to wear them in myself.

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Mmm, very interesting, I was told by the manager of cinch that they were historically inaccurate at the same time he told me Eric Clapton was always in looking for them, and I've never seen original 201s as late as that, will have to investigate them. THat photo is slightly puzzling, because the early single sided tags didn't have the 'R' legend, which was added on the reissues to help make them more obviously different from the originals.

Those spring 2006 201s are bizarre... incredible that they could get something as obvious as the back pocket stitching so wrong. AFAIK, the 2006 use fabric from Cone; I suspect that the later 90s 201 fabric was made in Japan - at the time they were developing a lot of lovely denims with Kurabo and Kaihara, including that for the 1880 Nevada Mine reissue, so anything out of the ordinary tended to be sourced from Japan, not Cone.

Edited by Paul T on May 8, 2006 at 02:17 AM

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Paul interesting. I was under the impression that the 90s blue line was cone and the later 06 stuff was Japan. It make since now that you've pointed it out. The 1999 20s 201s I have the blue line is very pronounced and almost black where the 06 is more green. I'll try and get some photos later. Thanks for the info...

Edited by airfrogusmc on May 8, 2006 at 06:06 AM

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Mmm, very interesting, I was told by the manager of cinch that they were historically inaccurate at the same time he told me Eric Clapton was always in looking for them, and I've never seen original 201s as late as that, will have to investigate them. THat photo is slightly puzzling, because the early single sided tags didn't have the 'R' legend, which was added on the reissues to help make them more obviously different from the originals.

Those spring 2006 201s are bizarre... incredible that they could get something as obvious as the back pocket stitching so wrong. AFAIK, the 2006 use fabric from Cone; I suspect that the later 90s 201 fabric was made in Japan - at the time they were developing a lot of lovely denims with Kurabo and Kaihara, including that for the 1880 Nevada Mine reissue, so anything out of the ordinary tended to be sourced from Japan, not Cone.

Edited by Paul T on May 8, 2006 at 02:17 AM

--- Original message by Paul T on May 8, 2006 02:14 AM

FAO: Paul T, do you know the manager of cinch, covent garden?

I really want to find out if its possible for me to get any raw LVC model with a cinch back, (ie 33, 201, 702, 1890 etc) in a size 38 x 40.

I saw 1955 38x40 recently, but obviosuly, no cinch

Preferably 201

I have the cash ready but trying to find them is impossible - once in a while they come up on ebay, but havent got the patience!!

I live up north, so not really able to do the london denim circuit at the moment.

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I gotta say this is one great site...

As far as denim heads in Chicago we'll theres me, my buddy Jake and a couple of others...

But seriously not all that many. I think the love for really high end denim is more in Europe and Japan. I had a conversation with the manager of the Michigan Ave Levis store a couple of years ago when I bought my 1947s and she said they would not be carrying LVCs in the future because they don't sell. I don't dare tell people what I pay for my jeans but they ALWAYS comment on how great they look. Something about red line selvage...

Thanks eveyone for making me feel right at home. Its nice to know there are others..

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Cinch is at newburgh Street, telephone 0207 287 4941.

The manager is called David Tonge, another dude who knows what he's doing is called Colin. Let us know at superfuture how you get on, people are alwasy asking about how to get the standard stock, so it will be useful to know if they do mail order.

The 201 are nice jeans BUT the new range are fucked up, with the wrong pockets. They did have the 1933 501s last time I looked.

Also, you might want to try American classics on Endell St, they have some LVC and definitely do mail order. 020 7831 1210,

Airfrog, welcome, you obviously have good taste, shame it's hard to buy LVC in Chicago. Some good record stores, though...

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Paul Well gread-bay and patients sometimes work and theres Aero in Scotland for LVC which I just ordred another pair of 33 501s from. The 33s start lighter than say the 37s 501s and 201s. Just saw a deadstock with tags pair of 1920s 201s on e-bay 555 (late 90s) so they do show up from time to time.

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