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How to deal with my little brother


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Alright, so recently my little brother has been going to the gym and now he thinks he's better than everyone. He always pushes me trying to fight me and the only things keeping me back from beating his face to a pulp is one: I don't want to make my mom angry and two: I'm a Christian and I try to be a good example of that as much as I can. So if you were in my shoes, what would you do?

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if you're still certain that you can take him down and whoop him

embarrass him in front of his friends by reminding him you're stronger than him

if you're unsure, you're gonna end up boosting his ego that much more when you get your ass handed to you in front of his friends

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well, for my younger bro, if he wants to go, take him down in private. Pretend you're not trying to hard, throw in a few jokes, make him think that you're toying with him. So if he wins, you have the "I didnt even try" excuse. If you beat him, threaten to beast him in front of his friends, because "you didnt even try" and you killed him.

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I'd rape him if I were you bro, rape him in the dark and make pretend it wasn't you... even if it clearly was.

i thought this was the best answer.

Pray to God about it. I'm sure he'll help you out in your time of need.

but then i read this.

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When he pushes you, always move closer, and never hesitate to hit. Aim for throat, ear, lower back of skull. Never stop hitting.

Or you could always fuck his girl friend, take pics, post on facebook, and then tag the pictures as him so his friends can see.

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what should you do? Well if you have a younger brother, it was your duty to raise him. I don't mean in the sense of feeding him, putting clothes on his back, etc. I mean you put him on to the good shit. You shaped him and helped him become the man he is today. Give him pointers and lessons that you found out the hard way.

That way when he grows bigger than you he'd never even think of fucking with you because of how much he looks up to you and respects you.

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