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An inquiry concerning Nudie size understanding! :)


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I have recently looked through this forum, mynudies.com, and others about nudie sizing - "what size to get?" - and have come upon a bunch of contradictory information and I am hoping to settle this once and for all.

I purchased the Straight Sven Dry Selvage in size 29/34 and they fit well throughout the jean yet when it comes to the waist they are really really snug. I was able to get the top button closed, with some effort, although my thumb looks blue now, which isn't too bad... They fit kind of high, so I'm wondering if they will stretch and fit on my hips eventually? Also, when I walked around in my room they felt like they were cutting into my hipbones and I didn't even dare sitting down for fear of splitting them or something.

Now, I've seen posted many times that you should get your nudies really tight because they will indeed stretch out over the 6-month+ period, yet I've also seen posted many times that once washed they shrink right on back to the size that they were when you first bought them, and I don't want that.

Also, I've seen posted that people believe that since they stretch during the 6+month period, they will shrink back but only in relation to the 1-3%. So, considering this, if you take in to account the amount of stretching that occurs, maybe an inch or more, they will shrink, but not back to the original size that they were when they were new. But, after looking at the official nudie site's forum, I found that they say that the amount of stretch that does occur WILL NOT affect the amount of shrinkage.

I'd also like to mention, if anyone is familiar with Levis 501 sizing that I wear a 31 in 501's and they fit low like my diesels (farco, yarik), which I'm a size 29 in. Ideally, I would like to wear these svens low – not thuggish – but I want them to be slim, not baggy.

I know that this topic is pretty much beat to hell, but I still feel uncertain, even after searching all relevant posts on sizing in all the forums I could find.

Thanks in advance!


Edited by dnarnya on Apr 9, 2006 at 11:51 AM

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that sounds beautiful! But, once washed am I back to the "unbelievably, awfully tight?" The reason I'm worried about this is because they are "unbelievably, awfully tight" when they are worn high, which is where I have to wear them if I want to even secure the top button at the moment.

I still have the option of returning them.

Thanks for your reply :)

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Probably not. If they stretch out substantially, it's possible that they'll shrink back to their original size (i.e. as they are now), but they probably won't. And if they do, they'll stretch out again, but even faster than they will now.

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yeah, same, poly800rock. APCs stretch like a motherfucking rubber band. Nudies stretch a lot. My Imperials aren't stretching much at all. Must be a really, really tightly woven denim or something.

Also keep in mind that right now, they're brand new, and thus filled with starch which keeps them very stiff. As you use them, the starchiness will decrease, which means they'll soften up and become more flexible.

Edited by minya on Apr 9, 2006 at 02:31 PM

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