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pomade appreciation

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That's a lot of fuckin pomade.


Bought this stuff...


Has more of a gel like quality:


- Consistency

- Application

- "Hardening"

After a couple of days, I actually like it. I prefer the way it "molds" the day after.

But, shit ain't cheap. I plan on using it as more of a top coat, since it does give a nice sheen to it.

Still waiting on some Sweet Georgia Brown.

Also gonna get some Lanolin to mix in with my Murrays, and get summadat shiiine.

Oh. And you can't use pomade without -


Conair combs suck. Only use them for styling.

Been using the grey salon style comb lately, to style before heading out.

Always carry an Unbreakable.

And to finish it all off...

Got an official Duck Tail/Duck Ass hair cut today. By and older cat, who used to do them back then and when. He even whipped out some old sheers that would screech every time he cut. Shit was a fuckin foot long!

No one else appreciate pomade??

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Does the Layrite have a paste texture or a gel?

  TPR950H said:
i only bought the small container(s)-- trying out super hold vs regular.

anyone use royal crown? knew some dudez way back in high school that liked it over murrays.

Went to the store and tried a dab of RC. Not thick like Murrays.

Would make a nice top coat for the sheen.

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its like gel but it breaks off. like you can get a harsh break on it... like jello. but its not floppy or gelatinous. it holds its shape.. like clay..its really strange.

i imagine the fuel of chafer trays to be this texture but i never touched that stuff before.

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sup sup

i'd like to try that water based stuff if i had the dough, that layrite is 15 bucks a small ass bottle.

also thinking about making my own pomade, any try yet?

@ stun pics of the duck ass/tail!

i have a decent duck ass when my hair grows out but, idk if i would ever pay to get it cut because its so pricey and i'll have to get it cut in like 2 weeks.

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  • 1 month later...
  XXXL said:

@ stun pics of the duck ass/tail!

i have a decent duck ass when my hair grows out but, idk if i would ever pay to get it cut because its so pricey and i'll have to get it cut in like 2 weeks.

A lil late on this reply.

In due time.

I need my hair to soak up some more pomade! I "cleansed" this past weekend, and my hair hasn't been holding up as it usually does.


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Used DAX this past week. Fuckin love this stuff. But I still got a soft spot for Murray's.

Been thinking about getting a trim/completely taking off the D.A. Since it wasn't working out this past week, for whatever reason. But today, I thought it was just right. Would look even better longer.


My kid messed up my hair, prior to leaving the house. So I had to fix it when I got to the restroom at Starbucks. Hence, the not so "slick"-ness of the pomp. It didn't help that it's crazy windy today.


Again, super spacey on top. The bottom "fringes" need to be cleaned up. Too curly for my liking.

If only I can take a picture of my hair at the moment, it looks a lot better than those pics.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Here is what I do...

About a teaspoon or so of olive oil in dry hair.

Have you ever poured some olive oil into a mixed egg? You see what happens?

The oil is seperated from the egg. And this will help seperate the pomade from your hair.

Comb it all out. This part will either take a long time or not, depending on how efficient you are with combing and rinsing out your comb. You'll be combing out a whole lot more gunk this way, than by combing out with dish soap. Certain combs are better for this than others. Of course, the fine toothed side is the side of choice.

As soon as you start to see a whole lot less gunk in your comb, and your hair feels a little more natural/slightly olive oil coated... Switch to dish soap.

Lather, sit, rinse, repeat. Maybe up to 3 times. More if you used a shit ton of Murray's.

You should be nearing the clear. But you want your hair to be a little more conditioned, so switch to a deep cleansing shampoo like Head and Shoulders or some shit. You should only have to lather, sit, rinse.

Then boom, clean ass head.

I do this when I'm going to switch out pomades or getting a haircut.

Depending on how sensitive your scalp is, you might want to make this a two day thing. If you expose your scalp to so much product in a single sitting, it could get extremely irritated and you'll start getting gnarly flakes. Which in turn, will ruin the look of your hairstyle!

Also, for Murray's I've found that Diet Coke works pretty well. You could also try the baking soda/vinegar trick. I'm not one who favors vinegar all that much, so I personally haven't tried it.

Oh, and as far as dish soap goes, I use Dawn. The scent helps, so you don't smell like a fuckin plate.

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