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  2. Yes, I got these raw so they shrank quite a bit to the tag size. I never knew the back patch starts off de-bossed before
  3. Great pick ups! Hoping that java and coverall are available in bigger sizes when I visit in September. Does anyone own the 163J? any sizing advice or measurements?
  4. I just got mine in too. The '51 cut is so good, for me at least. Just the perfect balance of everything. I think if I could only have one pair it would have to be of that cut.
  5. Didn’t realize the new run of 601RB used a new fabric, looking forward to seeing how they break in. Are they still the ‘51 cut?
  6. Yesterday
  7. It looks and feels slightly smoother. I had heard this new version has 2 kinds of warps and the weft is a little thin and twisted harder. Here's the 42s after 2 initial washes
  8. rbeck

    Denim Repair

    Not jeans, but my girlfriend asked me to fix some of her grocery bags and a t-shirt. I don't know if the bags will hold, but it was worth a shot. Only time will tell. As for the shirt, she's gonna have to live with the purple since I didn't feel like threading any white thread onto my serger lol.
  9. Nice to see them side by side! How’s the new denim compare? I didn’t end up getting these because I haven’t worn my original pair all that much.
  10. The 800 is made with a different denim that is ~14.5oz. It also feels like a tighter weave. I think that’s why the inseam shrinks less on a pair of 800s compared to a pair of jeans made with the Banner Denim. My 1001hxx are Banner Denim and the inseam shrunk from 35” to 31.5” over 3 years. It’s easy to stretch the inseam 0.5”-1” if needed.
  11. @MJF9 here - it’s sweltering right now so not actually wearing this now, but hopefully again soon. FC0105 super smooth on the bottom, the best summer jeans I’ve found.
  12. Anyone know how the leather patch on the 714 is treated? Wondering if I should use an Anilin leather treatment or my Bick 4.
  13. These are gorgeous. What has been your sizing discoveries with vintage Noconas? I see info all over the board.
  14. For those interested, I have an extra worn pair of Ooe Yofukuten X Standard and Strange Boss Overall jeans denim size 33 waist pulled tight-16 inseam-32 some fades developing, but in overall pretty good shape. I’d do 200 shipped in the US, and these are rare
  15. I have a cotton one from Dalee & co (deluxware), it’s really nice. They have multiple color options including navy, but I don’t think they have indigo.
  16. Good stuff, let us know once you get it in!
  17. @Broark & @Duke Mantee, looking closer I realized that the confusion was on my end. The catalog number given in the listing looked like a plausible FW item number, so I assumed that that’s what it was—but scrolling through some of their other (non-FW) listings it’s clear that it was just the seller’s own inventory number. Probably should have been obvious from the start. No funny business after all, and good to see some closure of sorts. Anyway, I did end up buying the bag.
  18. yung_flynn


    I did not get my Duck Digger pair new or raw so I only know the end point, but they've plateaued at 80-81 cm which is pretty consistent with Hinoya's estimate of 7 cm shrinkage assuming that my pair also started at 88 cm. I wish that they were 2" longer though - at my height I have no choice but to wear them Hayashi-style
  19. My Daddy Day fit and a Father's Day gift from my son. Happy Belated Fathers Day folks! Future Monsters x Ebbets Field cap Bandana and vintage ring bolo Suede fringed vest 1970s NYU tee Vintage belt w/fancy buckle Turquoise blanket pin Sized up STF 501 1950s Nocona pee wee My Fathers Day gift from my boy: a perfectly sun faded OG 1977 Star Wars promo tee.
  20. Nothing has shrunk as much on additional washes as my 1003xx, and I got them one wash!
  21. Love the cars! I'm really into older cars, I recently picked up a mid 90s Oldsmobile wagon with low mileage in great condition, and just love it. Not nearly as old school as these cars of course, but the design dates from the mid-80s. I'd love to own a big ridiculous cozy mid-60s to mid-70s land yacht like the one in the first pic someday. I really like Oldsmobile, Buick, Mercury, the mid-level luxury American cars.
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