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Nudies For Sale


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Quote: i hate you midgets.

That would imply height. And I've seen fat midgets...

It's cool though, because I hate you fat people.


--- Original message by TragicBliss on Mar 28, 2006 11:08 PM

actually im 6 ft 3, 190 lbs... i could stand to put on a few pounds even. its just im cursed with not being able to fit into anything smaller than a 35w. check my posts in the "what are you wearing" thread. a lot of my jeans look like they fit like shit :(

good news is that i've got 2 pairs of nudie (SJUB and RRDS), 1 imperial duke, and an iron army coming this week...all 36W

sad thing is, im sure at least 2 of 4 will fit like crap. but then again, im from hawaii and am probably one of the only cats on the island with quality denim...so its worth not being able to try them on before hand. sorta.

By the power of truth, I, while living, have conquered the universe.

Edited by Icicle Cubicle on Mar 30, 2006 at 05:24 PM

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