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Tailor ruined my suit. Help, need advice!!


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So i took my suit to get tailored slimmer, and i come back the next week, the suit's double vent is missing! She told me that the only way to take in the waist to be made slimmer is to remove the vent.....zzzzzzzz So I am in a screwed now, there are no vents whatsoever on my suit and it looks awkward. I asked her if she could just cut down the middle to make a single vent to compromise, she said there was not enough material to make a vent. This totally ruined my day, I don't see how you can't just cut down the middle to make a single vent, it doesn't appear to be a difficult task.

My question is, can I still save my suit and find another tailor to make a double or single vent? I prefer to have a double.

Thanks guysu

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I'm not really familiar with all the English terms and not sure how to explain it, but I think this ain't possible as far as I know. You have to put the vent in the pattern if you'd maked one, because you need some extra fabric there to finish it nicely.

I assume she probably took away some fabric from the middle dart in the back of the jacket, that probably ended in a vent.

Note that I'm terrible at patternmaking and constuction, so I might very well be wrong.

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vents overlaps... you can't just cut down the middle to make a vent... you dont have enough fabric to do that...

but try asking in styleforum... you'll prolly get better answers there...

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definitely not able to cut down the middle and make a vent, fabric would be mssing because where the fabric is cut u need extra fabric to fold it behind or it would be a raw edge. afaik it isnt possible to add a vent after the garment has been constructed without it looking tacky..

e: unless if you had the whole back re-drafted. basically purchase fabric and then have someone remake the back enttirely.. which could cost a hefty amount and would rrequire a really experienced tailor. ( which would require taking apart the collar, sleeves.... basically almost remakeing the whole garment itself ) lol

just stick with what you have; how awkard can it be? pics.?

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  • 2 weeks later...

^Agreed, waist suppression shouldn't require vent removal. Did she tell where she was bringing it in, at the side seams or the centre seam? If it was at the side seams, she may have decided that it was causing the vents to flare out too much.

Still, she f*cked up, no tailor should remove vents under any circumstances without express request.

As for making new vents, it's pretty much an impossiblity. A vent requires an overlap to prevent the sight of an unsightly gap constantly forming at your behind, and you can't add fabric that wasn't there unless you want your jacket to look like it's been butchered.

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that sounds like a bad tailor. i mean generally tailors only do a bad job when the customers don't know what they want and inadequately explain their desires. but removing a vent or completely altering the pattern is a no-no. get a new tailor. sorry to hear about your suit man..

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