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45 rpm in london?


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If anything I think Rogans are way more over designed than Paper Denim! I'm no expert on the styles of both Paper and Rogan, but from what I've seen paper keeps to fairly traditional cuts and washes. Rogan does not.

I'd agree with you to a certain extent Dolo. I think most of the Rogan's I've seen have had traditional cuts, albeit not your basic 5 pocket jean (ie. more trad chino/workpant type cut). Being a little different, I guess, is part of their USP that gives them distance between themselves and competitors.

Century 21 - there's loads of discount stores in the UK (probably not that many that sell PDC tho' LOL)

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Dolo - My guess is that the Giant Erasers referred to by your Gucci friend are probably sandblocks (wooden blocks with sandpaper wrapped around) - used to handbrush large areas like the front thigh. It would be interesting to find out more though.


Distressing denim - sand paper is the way to go. It's what industrial laundries use (amongst other things).

Use a fine grit - the grey emery type paper. You'll probably just want to encourage the fibres to release the indigo rather than wear a hole in the cloth. (if you are being really aggressive and want a really distressed then a sanding machine can be used!)

Best DIY way is to wear your jeans first and get them creased up in the natural places. Then you can rub them down whilst in a sitting position or get someone to rub your ass and back of your kneesicon_smile_wink.gif

Another way is to get them creased naturally, then mark the creases with chalk. Lay your jeans on a table or ironing board. Fold your sandpaper square in half and place your index finger in the fold. Then rub the chalk marks. That's how it's done in many pro laundries.

Concentrate on the natural wear areas: waistband, pocket edges, hem edges, belt loops, crotch, ass, knee(front, back, sides), inside leg seam, back pocket edges etc. Think about which areas would get the most natural wear. eg. the back hem tends to get much more wear than the front hem, the edges of your back pockets closer to your butt crack will get more wear than the edges that face the outside leg....

Best done on raw or rinse wash dark denim. If you can, keep a real vintage pair with a good wash as reference beside you when you do it.

After handbrushing with sandpaper, you can wash them. 30-40 degree wash is fine with a little soap powder. Turn them inside out before washing. Then hang them to dry. If you iron them whilst still damp (right side out), then it will bring out the contrasts in colour created by the sandpapering.

Remember sandpapering is just a way of speeding up the natural abrasion that you'd get from contact with carpets, asphalt, concrete etc. Done well and you'll get a superior result to other industrial abrasion methods such as lazer or sandblasting.

Worth trying on a real cheapo pair before you go ruining your 45rpms LOL.

Does that help?

Edited by ringring on Dec 29, 2004 at 03:46 AM

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