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FOR SALE - Supreme box hats and VANS vault chukkas


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first time selling here...

PAYPAL ONLY. All prices for US.

Vans vault Chukka -

I picked these up from Fred Segal a few months ago and grabbed 2 pairs. They are a pinstripe suit material.

I have too many shoes, so I thought id offer these to another Vans head...

SOLD OUT, you will not find these.

$100 shipped. Just looking to get my money back.




Supreme box caps. Wool and Window Pane hat -

Both hats are BRAND NEW. I got them as a gift and they dont fit my head for shit.

$40 shipped/each.



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I thought supreme box caps were one size fits all... And I've seen those pinstriped vaults at urbanoutfitters before for like $60.

--- Original message by AznInvazn on Mar 14, 2006 12:41 PM

YES they are one size, they are adjustable in the back. The black one still has the tags attached. The wool one is OLD, but is brand new.

I sure didnt see those chukkas at my urban.. and you can see on the box they were 75+tax.

they were marked down from $90.




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