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can i still cold soak my sugar cane 47's after 3.5 months?

CL Smooth

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sure you can soak them, but they're going to shrink.

"IF" sugar canes are unsanforized, they're going to shrink quite a bit and you'll probably end up getting them to the size you want if you say they're that baggy.

if they aren't, there won't be much shrinkage regardless of how you dry them.

in regards to how, that depends on how much you want to shrink them.

alot-warm soak for a few hours, hot dry

a little-cold soak for a few hours, hang dry


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how is it people always forget about the leg twist? sure they are going to shrink but the legs are also going to twist as much as 90degrees and you're going to end up with the honeycombs on the side of your leg. this is why i don't understand why people love wearing jeans in their "raw" state...once they do wash them everything gets all jacked up.

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alright.. i think im gonna turn them inside out and leave them soaking in a cold tub all night and then hang dry them. or maybe i should wear them damp and shit.


--- Original message by CL Smooth on Feb 28, 2006 07:45 PM

curious to see how it turns out
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I would go by minya's advice and warm wash them to completely shrink them. Also, do wear them while still damp. This draws nice sharp creases. Also sorry for not emailing you back. I just checked my email.

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so i got a pair of sd-103's that I soaked in hot/warm water, inside out for a few hours and either wore or hung dry. I've been wearing them for about a week now and I'd still like to shrink them a bit more, but the indigo is still very dark and I don't wanna lose that or any wear that I may develop. any suggestions?

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so i got a pair of sd-103's that I soaked in hot/warm water, inside out for a few hours and either wore or hung dry. I've been wearing them for about a week now and I'd still like to shrink them a bit more, but the indigo is still very dark and I don't wanna lose that or any wear that I may develop. any suggestions?

--- Original message by danzarrella on Mar 1, 2006 02:47 PM

This is why machine washing is always a good idea!
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I machine washed my 103's on warm, gentle cycle when I first got them, and when they came out, they were just as dark as when they went in (and they shrunk considerably, 2" in the waist and about 3" lengthwise).

Edited by minya on Mar 1, 2006 at 02:53 PM

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and detergent, one of the castile ones mentioned so often here or like normal soap, or no soap?

and tumble dry?

oh sweet, cause I absolutley love the color of these jeans, the suuuper dark basically black blue, i'm just starting to get an overall deeep blue tinge now.

also, just for the record what exactly is it about raw denim that makes it fade and break in faster than normal washed dark denim?

Edited by danzarrella on Mar 1, 2006 at 02:56 PM

Edited by danzarrella on Mar 1, 2006 at 02:58 PM

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I didn't use detergent, since they were brand new. I have a powdered, all-natural detergent that I use when my jeans are dirty.

It doesn't break in or fade any faster... it's a combination of things:

1) Raw denim is literally "overflowing" with indigo, so indigo will rub off of it and fade easily. This depends on how the denim was dipped (into indigo).

2) Lots of pre-faded/washed jeans use chemical treatments, resin, etc. to prevent the indigo from fading as much as it normally would.

3) Otherwise, dry denim fades exactly like any other pair of jeans will....

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If your jeans are unsanforized and you're wearing them unwashed to the point of seeing visible fading/wear on creases, you've basically fucked up, unless you like the idea of two sets of creases and fading. When they shrink, the whiskers and honeycombs are going to "move" to different places on your leg. I know the phrase for denim wearing is "its all good" and it does seriously bother me when people get all picky about how they want their jeans to look but this is just common sense. You're gonna get double-worn jeans basically.

At this point, you should never wash them, but even then they'll slowly shrink and twist, it just won't be nearly as drastic. This is what I'd advise.

I swear we need a sticky, title "READ THIS BEFORE YOU ASK A QUESTION," and say "No, washing/soaking/rinsing your jeans before you wear them in is not going to fuck it up, so please don't ask."

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If your jeans are unsanforized and you're wearing them unwashed to the point of seeing visible fading/wear on creases, you've basically fucked up, unless you like the idea of two sets of creases and fading. When they shrink, the whiskers and honeycombs are going to "move" to different places on your leg. I know the phrase for denim wearing is "its all good" and it does seriously bother me when people get all picky about how they want their jeans to look but this is just common sense. You're gonna get double-worn jeans basically.

At this point, you should never wash them, but even then they'll slowly shrink and twist, it just won't be nearly as drastic. This is what I'd advise.

I swear we need a sticky, title "READ THIS BEFORE YOU ASK A QUESTION," and say "No, washing/soaking/rinsing your jeans before you wear them in is not going to fuck it up, so please don't ask."

--- Original message by wild_whiskey on Mar 1, 2006 03:27 PM

fuck. they're too baggy to never ever wash them. i wont wash them yet... maybe just do a warm soak in the tub for a few hours

ahh shoot

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i machine washed them on warm inside out with no soap and they fit perfect now, awesome.

I didn't really have any visible creases and i had previously soaked them a bit so i'm not worried about moving wear marks.

I would dry them on me but the last time i did that i stretched out the knees and they made me look weird.

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Seriously CL_smooth. The fade lines will not change all that much, expecially if they were as baggy as you say they are. Do a warm wash and shrink them shits down to size. There is no point in wearing jeans that don't fit the way you want them or the way they should. Warm soak them and chalk this one up to experience... Seriously. I have seen jeans that have two sets of wear marks. It usually only matters on the honeycombs, because most of the shrinkage is in the legs. Even with two sets of wear marks the jeans still end up looking good.

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seriously shrink them now. they arent going to get much wear hangin off your ass anyway. get in a tub of hot water and hang out for a bit.

if you really want them to mold get out and wear em dry.

if thats not an option hang em up, let them dry, throw on a fresh coat of starch and proceed to wear them out.

wash when it becomes an issue of public safety.

post pics.

be the envy of denim freaks the world over.

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In fact, you really don't even have to be that "careful" with them. As soon as I got my pair, I threw them in the washing machine, under the HOT setting, with NO detergent. I let it run the cycle, I even threw them in the dryer for a couple minutes, got em outta there while they were still damp, threw them on, and they were as dark as ever. Just like everyone says, hardly ANY indigo lost. I couldn't even notice. I even wore them in the pouring rain, got soaked. All though, after I got soaked in the rain, the creases got a little lighter blue. But hey, throw em in the wash. They'll be nice.

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