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video games ruined my life


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I am going to fuck you in the ass with a companion cube until you love me franklin

You will never impregnate me with your peasantry. Contributing to the mudblood PC&console gaming race hybrid is high treason and is punishable by downgrading your connection to 56k and replacing your homemade water cooled nuclear silo with a Gateway.

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Haven't turned my X360 on in months...

Upcoming releases I will almost certainly cop:

Portal 2

LA Noire

Brink (pending reviews)


BF3 (fuck yes!)

Is the Vietnam expansion for BC2 any good? Considering grabbing it just for some some new shooter action until BF3 drops. I enjoyed BC2 a lot more than BO, overall.

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Is the Vietnam expansion for BC2 any good? Considering grabbing it just for some some new shooter action until BF3 drops. I enjoyed BC2 a lot more than BO, overall.

If you liked BC2 then you'll enjoy Vietnam as well. I was disappointed that there weren't any jungle maps with heavy foliage but it's definitely worth the $15.

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i fucking love portal 2, everything about it. music is awesome too. jsut chatted w/ dotpitchu as he was playin on ps3, mind melted!

Barely completed the game and WOW!

Mind = blown :eek:.

Got stumped on a couple of parts, but now I know... I'm ready for a 2nd playthrough :D

Also I agree with the music, so good!

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portal coop is looooool

so good

played a bunch with mags. neither of us had our mics though. I'm sure that'd make it a lot smoother.

at any given time only one of us knew what to do haha. I kept forgetting basic shit.

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I just played with the 3DS for the first time... i have to say its cool, but the screen feels like its melting your eyes, or is def not good for you in a long term rot your brain kinda way.

It did feel better when you held it at just the right distance from your eyes, but the screen felt like looking at radioactive waste to me, a violent brightness of awe and wonder that was both amazing and scary.

I still want one... Just me?

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