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video games ruined my life


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Just got my new flash cart in to replace my old corrupt one. Any games anyone suggests? F2D? Doom?

I've got Golden Sun in right now (the intro is taking fucking forever). Also have got the Phoenix series and the newest Layton in there. Looking at Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker too. The OG Dragon Warrior Monsters total play time took weeks from my life.

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Solix! DQ monsters joker is an awesome game.

When I think about it, DS is an RPG paradise....so many games...

Honestly my favorite game on the system is 4HOL bar none. It's the traditional RPG Ive been searching for for ages. Removes the broke MP system and replaces it with battle abilities. Strict item micromanagment so you have to prepare properly before trekking on your adventure. An amazing job system. Difficult but not brutal. Grinding won't replace skill at all really. Except later in the game I found a few gamebreaking skills that killed the enjoyment quite a bit.

But dude tell me specifics. Soooo many gems but also a ton of shovelware.

If you wannna play onlin with me get phantasy star zero.

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Just got my new flash cart in to replace my old corrupt one. Any games anyone suggests? F2D? Doom?

I've got Golden Sun in right now (the intro is taking fucking forever). Also have got the Phoenix series and the newest Layton in there. Looking at Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker too. The OG Dragon Warrior Monsters total play time took weeks from my life.

The DS has easily one of the better catalogs of games this generation so with that being said I would recommend..

-Elite Beat Agents

-Bowsers Inside Story

-The World Ends With You

-Chrono Trigger (it's a great port)

-Mario Kart DS

-Dragon Quest IX

-Pokemon HeartGold/Soul Silver

-Any of the Professor Layton games

-Hotel Dusk

-Super Scribblenauts

-Rhythm Heaven

-New Super Mario Bros

-The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks

I have more but those are the ones I would say for now, pretty much something in there to appeal to everyone.

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That's the kind of thing I was looking for. Played and beat most of them, but Hotel Dusk, Super Scribblenauts are both ones I need to snag.

the dialogue to the new golden sun game takes too ridiculously long. other than that, game is great so far.

Word. I'm not very far yet, but damn I've missed this game. Lvl 15ish and it's still pretty linear. Hopefully it opens up (maybe once you get the soarwing fixed?) like when you got the ship on GS:TLA. There was tons of awesome side quests and stuff.

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i thought i was going to get wrecked, haven't played SSF in like a month, can't believe i didn't catch you jumping in when i was ken throwing those ultras, don't know how the fuqq you block while you're mid-kick in air haha your Dan was kind of crazy though with all those high jumps, but the random SRKs got you fucked up :)

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fadc is harder for me on the stick. I was practicing it on the pad before I switched and I had it 90% now not as much. I think it's the dashing out. used to be just button presses now it's more movement.

don't need it for ibuki but I want to learn adon and I've seen some nice shot with fadc. I need to stop picking high execution characters but fuck it.

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was playing royale and have a situational question:

when balrog comes at me with that charge punch I fadc'd in and then tried to combo and he was able to block wtf. do I just suck or do I need to make sure to start with something really quick? I know with like blanka's ball I can neckbreaker on block but I have a problem punishing balrog more than anyone else.

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was playing royale and have a situational question:

when balrog comes at me with that charge punch I fadc'd in and then tried to combo and he was able to block wtf. do I just suck or do I need to make sure to start with something really quick? I know with like blanka's ball I can neckbreaker on block but I have a problem punishing balrog more than anyone else.

it all depends on distance, your best bet is just using focus attack letting it hit and just dash back. unless ur relatively close thats when u can fadc and start a combo or grab.

you can see from there. hope that helps.

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That's the kind of thing I was looking for. Played and beat most of them, but Hotel Dusk, Super Scribblenauts are both ones I need to snag.

Also try..

-Harvest Moon DS

-Ivy the Kiwi

-Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars

-Feel the Magic

-Advance Wars: Day of Ruin

-Kirby: Canvas Curse


-Flower, Sun and Rain

-Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey

-Final Fantasy IV

-Infinite Space

-Picross 3D


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Let's see here

-Demon Souls

-Super Street Fighter 4

-Uncharted 2


-Final Fantasy XIII

-Batman: Arkham Asylum


-Heavy Rain

-Killzone 2

-God of War 3

-Modnation Racers

-Ratchet and Clank Future: A Crack in Time



-Resistance: Fall of Man

-Valkyria Chronicles

-Katamari Forever (this might not be everyones thing but I love it and say give it a shot)

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