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video games ruined my life


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anyone playing dota wants to get in on some games with some friends and I, hit me up on PM or on useast transport

also down to get in on some ih's if anyones got anything going on.

I know its a long shot, but HoN is just so fucking stupid in comparison

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anyone playing dota wants to get in on some games with some friends and I, hit me up on PM or on useast transport

also down to get in on some ih's if anyones got anything going on.

I know its a long shot, but HoN is just so fucking stupid in comparison

i'd be down but i have no WC3 copy and its still full price afaik.

i'm down to play HoN, LoL(reinstalled it since i got a 3 day suspension from HoN for abusing the legionaire charge bug), SOTIS, bloodline champions, WHATEVER!

I also play sc2 now, ign same as HoN(hemlock) and i'm ednob on LoL

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nah if anything hons servers suck BALLS.

They refuse to pay for better servers because they secretly know they're fucked when dota 2 comes out. SO they spend more money into the goblin coin shit so they can profit before they're gone. Ive had quite a few games where the server just crapped out.....really shouldnt be happening EVER.

post your screennames guys. Ill add you

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anyone playing dota wants to get in on some games with some friends and I, hit me up on PM or on useast transport

also down to get in on some ih's if anyones got anything going on.

I know its a long shot, but HoN is just so fucking stupid in comparison

I know there was a huge DOTA update recently (Icefrog testing balance changes for DOTA2? what better place to do it) but the WC3 is just way out of date. I've been playing DOTA/HON on a competitive level and both have their imbalances, I don't see where all the hate comes from for either one being better then the other. With that said, when DOTA2 comes out I will be uninstalling HON... And really the only reason is because DOTA2 has the bigger name and will probably quickly dominate the MOBA scene.

HON has its coin shop but there should be no surprise that greedy Valve will introduce something similar. Hats on DOTA heroes lol...

And HON guys we really need to set up a time and date. We never seem to be on at the same time!

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just got done playing a 50min hon game as deadwood. had a noob bloodhunter on my team that went 4-20 by the end and no other carries. falcon punch all dayyyy.

Anyone want to play later tonight? i gotta give a talk in about an hour and a half, then ill be back around like 8-9pm PST. would be down 2 play and to get carried by hon bros

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might start playing WoW again -_-, played a lot of s2-3 arena but quit when 80 came out cuz leveling sucks dick, my friend has an account with a resto drood on it and he plays a gladiator warlock, 2v2s are tempting..

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wrong_move: Demon's Souls was legit. My Xbox gets the lion's share of my playtime, but that game was definitely one of my all time favorites. I can't remember the last time I've been so heavy into a game like that.

Dark Souls is definitely a pre-order for me, although I have to admit that I'm happy to see it go multi-platform. I'm also crying on the inside that no one is praising that video you embedded.

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late pass but bought portal 2 the other day for steam on mac. very fun! puzzles are nice and challenging without being impossible.

kinda wanna play tf2 now... is there a steam thread? if anyone wants to add me my username is wakaflockaflame420 (not kidding)

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Dark Souls is definitely a pre-order for me, although I have to admit that I'm happy to see it go multi-platform. I'm also crying on the inside that no one is praising that video you embedded.

i'd do it sooner rather than later, the pre-order swag is pretty sweet. don't have to pay extra either! afaik there's quite a few dudes here who are big fans


anyone played catherine?

i played the jp demo for a bit, i was surprised at how tough it was. then again i didn't know what was going on half the time

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i'd do it sooner rather than later, the pre-order swag is pretty sweet. don't have to pay extra either! afaik there's quite a few dudes here who are big fans

I'm all over this... where do I pre-order to ensure I get the CE? Amazon has a pre-order up but doesn't mention a collector's edition upgrade.

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anyone played catherine?

if you have a japanes psn account there is a demo up

but psn is still down

i tried it. its cool

dunno if i can play 60 hours of it tho

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Guest guincho

anyone play anything that's multiplayer and fun for a mac? currently don't have access to a pc. all i've been playing is emulators, desktop dungeons, lil bit of minecraft and cave story

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