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low quality vid of yun in ssf4


I guess we're gonna have the


chants when they activate genei jin


• Yun's Super is the infamous Genei Jin (Custom Combo) from Street Fighter 3 Third Strike, it's performed with a 2x quarter-circle back motion, and can be Canceled into from his Palm.

• The Genei Jin has the trailing shadows you remember and he can Cancel the recovery on all moves, plus everything juggles. A few players were able to land combos that took off 40-50% of their opponent's life, and went up to 50-60% when they had them cornered. Also, this can be Super Canceled into off of Yun's Shoulder Attack.

• Ultra 1 is his You Hou, it hits four times, but the last hit is a Launcher. If the first hit connects cleanly, he will go into animation. If not, Yun does the other attacks anyway, like Makoto's Ultra 2. This can be Focus Attack Dashed Canceled into from his Shoulder Attack. He can also follow up an Ultra 1 with his Lunge Punch or Genei Jin combos, but only if you activate before you land the Ultra 1.

• Ultra 2 is a punch rush, if the final hit connects cleanly Yun goes into animation where he rides his opponent in the air like a skateboard, then kicks them down to the ground. This does not combo from any Focus Attack Dash Cancels because of its short range.

• All Yun's specials from Third Strike are in the game. Including his Palm, Flip Grab, Dragon Kicks, Shoulder Attack, etc. Light Punch Palm is a fake, Medium and Hard change the distance the opponent flies away. This move has a really big hit box.

• It doesn't seem possible to Focus Attack Dash Cancel Yun's Dragon Kicks, or the timing is weird.

• His Dive Kick is great, like Rufus' and his overhead, Toward + Medium Kick, can crossup a grounded opponent.

• Yun's Shoulder Attack seemed to have worse range than you'd think. His Dragon Kicks also seemed to trade quite a bit, but the EX version seems like it will be good anti air.

• Yun has his Third Strike target combos.

• Some players have claimed Yun feels "sluggish" like Makoto in SSF4.

• Yun's Ultras do not combo off his Standing Medium Kick Launcher.

• Color 1 is blue, Color 2 is yellow.


• Yang's command dash was in and crossed up like Ibuki's in SSF4.

• His EX Fist Slashes looked like a great move, crazy fast. It's really easy to combo into his regular Fist Slashes as well.

• He also has his Third Strike target combos.

• Yang's Ultra 1, Raishin Mahhaken, makes him throw out a single attack — if it connects cleanly, animation follows. If not, the ultra ends there — similar to Makoto's Ultra 1. This will only connect from close range.

• Ultra 2, Tenshin Senkyuu, rolls forward along the ground and goes up in the air with a rising kick. If Yang connects cleanly on the ground with the roll portion, the rest of the animation kicks in. If not, Yun goes up in the air with kicks. This Ultra will pass under fireballs and it has some tracking properties. If his Ultra 2 is started while the opponent is in the air, Yang will rise up with kicks where they're jumping, but in this scenario it won't lead to full damage. This can be comboed into off of a Focus Attack Dash Cancel or Medium Kick Launcher for less damage, again it won't connect fully in these situations.

• Yang's Super is his Seiei Enbu (Custom Combo) from Third Strike. Works much the same way, but not as good as Yun's.

• Yang can do his Up Kicks, Focus Attack Dash Cancel into EX Fist Slashes. Crouching Medium Kick Canceled into Fist Slashes also works.

• Yang's Dive Kick is the same as Yun's, or at least very close to it.

• Yang's Palm move has a really big hit box.

• Color 1 is pinkish, Color 2 is purple.


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anyone else read about this majora's mask story?

The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask is already a rather creepy game. The darkest iteration of the franchise yet, MM's tale of a world constantly on the verge of ending is oftentimes haunting. But what if the cartridge were actually haunted? What would the game look like?

A tale credited to Jadusable has been chronicled on Creepy + Pasta. The story begins with a mysterious shop keeper and an odd cartridge -- "It was the standard grey color, except that someone had written Majora on it in black permanent marker." Given away for free, the recipient played through the game without a problem; the only noticeable glitch involved NPCs calling him BEN, the name assigned to the cartridge's first save file.

Activating the Day 4 glitch, however, spawned a number of odd, unexplainable events that only a ghost (or a very determined hacker) could produce. One of the game's most iconic lines -- "You've met with a horrible fate, haven't you?" -- repeats throughout the eerie series of events, chronicled on YouTube. Who is BEN? And what could this all mean?


freaking me the fck OUT, cantsleepwontsleep

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And btw, who is here is getting Reach?

Just watched the review on GameTrailers and I gotta say it looks pretty damn good (though I am disappointed that there are only 9 maps). I really didn't enjoy Halo 3 so I am looking to get back into the game so just wanted to see who on here is going to be playing.

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^Thinking about it. Never played a single Halo game previously since I am a relatively new Microsoft convert. Feels wrong to own a 360 and know nothing about the Halo franchise. Seems like Reach is as good a launch point as any, but space shooters don't really do it for me, what with the lasers and the flying and the mwhurgnwhey.


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I would recommend this Halo the one to get into because it's a mix, in my opinion, of the best things from all of the games. I played the Beta and I hadn't had the much fun for awhile. Sure, space shooters aren't normally my thing either but Halo is different. The Multiplayer is on a different level and is easily some of the best out there.

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check out some vids

its pretty fast paced, lots of combos

good production value

by the same dudes that made guilty gear, but easier execution

its a fun game, but im going to be playing sf4 mostly

here is a match between one of the low tiers (tager) vs a top tier (litchi)


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Nah, It looks pretty sick though.. I really love the Final Fantasy series though I never played XI but I always wanted to. I hope they fix some of the issues from the last one like having to have a party to do anything. Do you have any clue how you get into Beta? do you just sign up or did you have to play Xi ?

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Looks pretty good, the animation is great too.. isn't the price lower as well with CS?

retail is 40

there are 3 dlc characters for 560 ms points or like 8 bux on psn

one dlc character is out now 'makoto' and 2 others planned

i bought it on ebay for like 30 shipped

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Nah, It looks pretty sick though.. I really love the Final Fantasy series though I never played XI but I always wanted to. I hope they fix some of the issues from the last one like having to have a party to do anything. Do you have any clue how you get into Beta? do you just sign up or did you have to play Xi ?

it's open beta. just sign up here and you should receive a registration code in no time.


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anyone on that ffxiv beta?

was playing it for a little while last week. not too bad, kind of confusing with some of the crafting/job systems and what not. UI, esp. targeting for me is a bit clunky and tedious. keep in mind though, i've never played ffxi.

graphics, cutscenes, and music are leet skeet though. haven't logged on since last week, however. got kind of bored and tried out SC2 and been bz going out, probably not a good sign overall for my future dedication to the game.

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