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edc [everyday carry] shaved my wife


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  branespload said:
fuqq a fannypack, i lost my customized black victorinox supertinker :<

Should have tethered it to your fanny! Fannypacks are sweet, very practical. I have a few dedicated for specific chores. One is a small one for a mini bug out bag I keep in my car, another for my portable headphones set up and misc. items, and the Porter one ends up being pretty much a small messenger man purse.




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Hahaha I'm almost ashamed to post after this flood of fanny packs.

I'm a day away from sealing the deal on a Three Sisters Forge TSF Tactical foldable.

I decided to stay away from the zt0550 because they changed it again and pushed back the release date. Fuck.

You guys should check out TSF. Amazing pricing for a custom especially since it's using S35VN!

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  branespload said:


If you dont figure out how to fit the Kaweco into your daily routine, you should try the ink mod someone (sorry cant remember by now) posted a long time back when I was asking about non-cartridge refillable roller balls (I know yours isnt the rollerball).

Also, got some stuff in the mail today.


Still trying to figure out the fit to these IEMs.

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  f50fan said:
Still trying to figure out the fit to these IEMs.

protip: pull the apex of your earlobe up and back (keeping parallel to the direction you're facing, though, so dont pull outwards). this will straighten out your ear canal. then insert your IEM (start w/ smallest tips and go up if theyre loose) and push in as far as it can go, then gently let go of your earlobe. everything should fit into place, you get a good seal and it sounds good B)

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  branespload said:
^ we need pics when they come. what models did you get???

Jetbeam TC-R3, maratac AAA in copper and one in electropolish stainless.

I have a few more things I'm eyeing but my fiancee may kill me. Another jetbeam raptor, maelstrom(sp?) And a glock 30.

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  PPS said:
Anybody know a place to get black gate clips like these: http://countycomm.com/gateclip.htm

I want to go all black with my hardware but cant seem to find a place that has them...

There's some I've seen out there, but you really have to look around. Black finishes on hardware are quite rare because it's more decorative than practical (the black finishes tend don't last) and more costly to produce. You'll have more luck with lobster/snap clasps, but only in smaller sizes since they're primarily used in jewelery making.

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done with zippos pos

every time i want to light up it needs a fill up

might just grab a bunch of semen coloured bic safety lighters

child proof this way it's one less thing my kid nephew can scare everyone with when he takes stuff out of my pocket

i'd take suggestions if they are any alternatives

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watch until the opening credits

we must meetup to do this one day

EDIT: Sorry for those outside of America who have no idea to what I am referring since you cannot access Hulu.

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Commuter Bag dump....

Long time EDC lurker and I've been trying to step up my game gradually.


Filson 257

Light reading for the train

RayBan WF

Totes Umbrella

Saddleback Wallet

Zebra Sharbo Pen

Caran D'Ache Pencil

Victorinox Fireman

Biner Keychain w/ Victorinox Classic

iPod Nano Version 1 4GB

Hand Sani


Saddleback Moleskine Cover

Weekly Comics

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Does anyone have any heavy duty EDC bookbag/backpack similar to the goruck that ISN'T 350 bucks...?

I have tried numerous messendger styles but my chest and shoulders are just too big. They are all REALLY uncomfortable. I really loved my incasebackpack but it literally fell apart.

Any ideas?

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  Tigerprawn said:
Incase came out with some new bags... no idea if they're any good though http://www.goincase.com/collections/alloy

Honestly after my last one i wouldn't buy another. After some research i found that this is a pretty common problem. I loved the design though...

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mike, there are plenty of rugged/tactical backpacks out there, but unfortunately they do not share the minimalist aesthetic like the GORUCKs

i settled on the 5.11 tactical RUSH series after trying the Tactical Tailor Urban Operator, but there are offerings from Maxpedition and the like. you should look around at EDCF:


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