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edc [everyday carry] shaved my wife


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  headrush said:
alright, i've looked up knife laws in nyc and there's a lot of info and a lot of misinfo...

so i'll just ask the question straight -

what are some of my best options for an edc knife while living in nyc?


But if you must, something that you can keep buried in your coin pocket is what I would suggest. I got hassled the other day just for having a pen clipped in my pocket.

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  wild style said:

But if you must, something that you can keep buried in your coin pocket is what I would suggest. I got hassled the other day just for having a pen clipped in my pocket.

damn, dude, again? i remember reading one of your stories last time about getting hassled for another little edc item.

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  wild style said:

@willy yeah man, this time it was one of those random bag search busts getting on the subway. last time was more fucked up, got pulled over on my bike by one of them undercover taxi cab cop cars for my leatherman, lol.

had to search for it again :o

  wild style said:
Got stopped once in NYC cause the cop saw the pocket clip on my skeletool. He checked it out and told me to keep it tucked inside my pocket to avoid trouble in the future. Though Im sure if it was just a straight up folder he'd have confiscated it for sure.
  wild style said:
^^ Haha, yeah. Best part though, I was riding my bike at the time and they pulled me over in one of those undercover taxi-cab cop cars. 2 dudes jumped out at me, pretty wild.

the posts on the same page and after it are pretty interesting/informative too, lol.

do you still carry that sog twitch?

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  Tigerprawn said:
Fun EDC story today. Not exactly life saving/changing (maybe money saving!), but I'm quite proud of today's events and I'll be adding a Maratac micro hook to my EDC very, very, very shortly.

A friend and I were heading home from the gym and he realizes he left his keys in the car. Probably just carrying too much stuff and didn't realize the keys were on the driver seat. Luckily his moon roof was slightly cracked. We had the idea of making a grappling hook and trying to snare the keyring and lift it up out of the moon roof.

Didn't take all that long, but now I'm starting to think carrying something very, very, very small that's able to snag/snare stuff wouldn't be such a bad idea. Just a cool story that I wanted to share.

a magnet on a string would work a lot easier, but you'd have to carry it somewhere away from your electronics.

or whatever those mechanics carry with the retractable magnet pen things.

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  the Repeater said:
So jealous of Lucky Strike Snus.

To be American, many times, means not being able to have the REALLY cool shit.

you can't get it here in Canada either, I just order small batches online and hope that it can dodge Canadian customs haha

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  wild style said:
Two fools locked their keys in the whip on the same page? What r the chances. :D

@willy yeah man, this time it was one of those random bag search busts getting on the subway. last time was more fucked up, got pulled over on my bike by one of them undercover taxi cab cop cars for my leatherman, lol.

For real. That's one of the reasons I have a hook on my keys, because I always just clip them onto my beltloop. Door didnt unlock like it usually does when I start my car with the door open. I was in a rush because it was cold and I usually make sure its unlocked, just forgot to this time.

Good thing I used to watch a lot of A-Team and Macgyver as a kid.

As for the carrying in NYC, you might want to carry it IWB (inside waistband) so the clip is covered by a belt or a shirt. It's VERY comfortable, even with a big knife.

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  Harry Hood said:
anyone have experience with a ZT0350?

thinking of getting one, but it seems a little big/wide for EDC. would love to hear some opinions. if it is too large, i'll probably go with a spyderco leafstorm.

I currently EDC a mini grip for reference and its a good size.

xpost from show us your knife thread - thought maybe it belonged here instead. i'd maybe consider a paramilitary (2) as well. thanks guys.

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I've handled one and it's a fucking beast.

Incredibly solid lock up and such a smooth opening.

But fuck... It could barely fit in my pocket!

It's for sure overkill and anything that could break a high end knife would certainly end up at least damaging the knife.

Unless you plan on killing someone or defending yourself on the daily, for sure go for something like the leafstorm or if you still want a longer blade, something like a Benchmade 940 (considering how slim it is).

The paramilitary is an incredible knife as well but some people tend to think it's overkill while others swear by it.

A few guys here carry the knives and will shine more information on the subject... I hope!

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I've held/used the ZT301 and and like Loz said, it's a BEAST. 8 ounces, awesome blade and lockup. I was going to buy one from my friend buy I didnt have the funds. I'd suggest going for a para 2 or manix2.

Knives I currently own, if anyone has questions on them let me know.


- assist

- manix 2

- military

- native 2 SE

RAT/esee izula

juice s2

kershaw chive

and some other ones that aren't relevant to the thread

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