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Quality Flannels?


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So Im looking to stock up on some new flannels for the winter months in Chicago. I would LOVE to pick up some Iron Heart Flannels but being 23 years young with a family, I really cant justify paying 300+ on a shirt. I was at the mall yesterday and pretty much all the "outdoorsy" stores like AF, American eagle, ect had flannels but I have read a lot about stores like these selling really shitty quality clothes at a premium (premium as far as mall prices go...)

My first and only idea was Carrhart. I purchased one of there heavy flannels last week and its currently at a seamstress getting shortened by a few inches and tapered a little.

Anyone have any suggestions on a sub $150 dollar flannel that is made with quality materials?

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  overdone said:
Stussy Deluxe flannels. $135.00

its really funny you mention this. So as I said im 23 and when i was in high school about 6 years or so ago stussy was one of those "cool" brands. all of there stuff was priced a little higher then your normal mall priced stuff. Then a big chain store in Chicago (and im sure there in other cities) called Target started carrying there stuff at rock bottom prices. the store is basically like Walmart. They sell stuff at pretty low prices. There Stuff went from like 35 dollars for a t shirt to around 10 dollars at target. So it became the "uncool" brand.

Fast forward a few months ago when I found out about SuFu I was looking through some threads and saw quiet a few people with Stussy shirts.

Ill check out there Flannels though:D

Orion, checked out both those brands and they are nice. thanks!

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I hear the Target story about Stussy from time to time, but I don't think it was true, to the best of my knowledge anyhow. I know that Mossimo was big around the same time and they sold the brand to Target (to raise the capital to start Modern Amusement), but I don't remember Stussy being in there. A lot of people I know lump the two brands together... I know the Deluxe Collection uses better materials then the mainline collection and the fit is quite a bit better. It's worth the price IMO, but there's so many good brands out there...

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  ms. sally said:
Try Rothco. Selection is limited but the price is right. Cant complain about the quality either. They will give any $100+ flannel a run for their money in terms of durability. Cut a little larger so take into account if you decide to purchase.


Ill check them out.

  aphelan said:
You are definitely thinking of Mossimo and Target still carries that brand.

That sounds familiar now that you mention it. probably is what im thinking about.

  Dead_Wizard said:
Thrift thrift thrift, I have a closet full of pendletons that I haven't paid more than 15 dollars for.

HAHA, Just got back from the thrift store actually... nothing good this time.

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  Orion said:
I hear the Target story about Stussy from time to time, but I don't think it was true, to the best of my knowledge anyhow. I know that Mossimo was big around the same time and they sold the brand to Target (to raise the capital to start Modern Amusement), but I don't remember Stussy being in there.

Most likely a mistake, since if they yanked their stuff from sites like Karmaloop, I doubt they'd condone Target carrying their product knowingly. BTW, Stussy's flannels are pretty thick and well made, and can be purchased at a reasonable price.

However, Pendelton, Woolrich or even Filson are probably better choices.

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After going through all the brands mentioned, a lot (not all) of them didnt have much style to them. Just my opinion but flannels and plaid are weird. for me theres a very fine line between what i think is cool and what should be worn by my grandfather. Im sure its just because im young(er) then a lot of people on here. I did find a few Pendletons I like though.

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anyone ever been to greenspan's in south gate?

i was told there is a ton of pendleton there...

(lol lowrider stylez)



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  akuma no uta said:
Why don't you just save for a bit and take the plunge with an iron heart flannel? Seems to me saving an extra month to get probably the beat flannel makes more sense than spending half and getting a quarter of the quality.

I have thought long and hard about this but this is the question I asked myself. Take a good quality flannel like we are talking about. something in the 150US range by a company that is known to make quality stuff. How much better can an IH flannel possibly be for 150+ more?

Trust me, I LOVE IH stuff so if you have an honest answer please share because im dying to get my hands on an IH so if I can justify it im all for it. I love IH stuff but the price IMO is a little inflated.

Again, nothing against IH. Im actually buying a pair of there 5th anniversary jeans next payday. I know I know im a hypocrite...

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I used to work next to a stussy (and to settle the discussion they were never sold in target but they used to sell theshit to like, PAC sun and hot topic and shit before refining the company) and they're shit falls apart real quick, I've handled pendletons before and they seem like nice flannels but not a "fashion" cut at all.

From what I've seen, IH flannels just seem to have the best of all worlds, good cuts, great fabrics, incredible construction that will last a lifetime, IMHO well worth the extra $150. I would own a ahit ton of their flannels is that was my steez, and I've even come close to pulling the trigger after trying one on that a dude I met had, once again ONLY thing holding me back is that flannel is not my thing, not the price.

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After going through all the brands mentioned, a lot (not all) of them didnt have much style to them. Just my opinion but flannels and plaid are weird. for me theres a very fine line between what i think is cool and what should be worn by my grandfather
Now you're losing me. If you're looking specifically for slim fits, you'll either have to go with a japanese brand, or, as stated, a fashion brand. Fashion brands might have quality issues though.
and they're shit falls apart real quick,
Honestly, I've never had this problem with Stussy's products.
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  heflys said:
Now you're losing me. If you're looking specifically for slim fits, you'll either have to go with a japanese brand, or, as stated, a fashion brand. Fashion brands might have quality issues though.

Theirs a method to the madness though. I spend a lot of time in the gym so clothes fit me weird. Most size large are too small in the bicep and length of arms. I always thought i just had long arms then i was getting fitted for a tux one day and the dude taking my measurements said it was because of my big shoulders and traps. So I have to buy an XL to get the length on the arms and the room in the bicep area. But when I do this the chest and stomach are usually way to baggy.

Thats why the carhartt I just bought is at the seamstress. Carhartt stuff runs a little big so I actually got a L and am having like 3 inches taken off the bottom of the shirt and it tapered a little.

I have the same problem with jeans since i have an 800+ lb leg press. The thighs in most skinny cut jeans are the size of my calfs.

Ahh well...

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I agree with Fallen Angels.. Also keep in mind that IH flannels aren't $300+.. they're around $250, and Flat Head's which are in my opinion nicer than Iron Hearts are around $170 to $210. At that price there's no reason to spend $150 on a Stussy Deluxe flannel.

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  kiya said:
I agree with Fallen Angels.. Also keep in mind that IH flannels aren't $300+.. they're around $250, and Flat Head's which are in my opinion nicer than Iron Hearts are around $170 to $210. At that price there's no reason to spend $150 on a Stussy Deluxe flannel.

Im looking for a REALLY heavy flannel because it gets pretty cold in Chicago in the winter. So i was comparing it to the IH heavy ombre. that's where I was getting the 300 from.

What do you like about the flat heads over the IH Kiya?

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  MikeS said:
Im looking for a REALLY heavy flannel because it gets pretty cold in Chicago in the winter. So i was comparing it to the IH heavy ombre. that's where I was getting the 300 from.

What do you like about the flat heads over the IH Kiya?

If you're looking for a flannel as heavy as IH's nothing like it exists, so getting any other brands wouldn't do it for you.

Also, keep in mind that Flat Head's flannels are heavier and thicker than 75% of Iron Heart's flannels.

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  kiya said:
If you're looking for a flannel as heavy as IH's nothing like it exists, so getting any other brands wouldn't do it for you.

Also, keep in mind that Flat Head's flannels are heavier and thicker than 75% of Iron Heart's flannels.

Great info. one last question. Is the IH heavy thicker then even the sugar Cane wool flannel?

Thanks again for all the info!

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  MikeS said:
Great info. one last question. Is the IH heavy thicker then even the sugar Cane wool flannel?

Thanks again for all the info!

The IH heavy is thicker than any of the other flannels we've seen and Flat Head's are still thicker than anything from Sugar Cane.

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Glad this thread was started... anyway, here's some pics and perhaps we can get more info about other brands with quality flannels...



Carhartt Heavy Flannel --> Very good quality for the price. Sizes tend to run large so check before you buy. For info, I'm 5'7, 170lbs and size small in Carhartt


Flathead (Self Edge Version) --> They're thick but with a soft comfy feel to it. Can't beat the vintage cut and you can wear this to your next dinner date.


Sugarcane Western Twill Check --> Feels like flannel due to the thick cotton fabric. Great fit and bold colors... so wear with attitude.

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