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Tote bags in or out?


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what do you guys think of tote bags (especially the headporter ones) ?

do people in the US (as opposed to asia and other countries) rock tote bags?

people here think they're girly as hell

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Rock it. I have been using a porter "Smoky" tote bag for nearly 3-4 years now. Tight understated design and fits everything I need (laptop, ipod, magazines, etc...). Makes sense if you commute by train/subway during the summer months since having a backpack makes your back all sweaty and if its crowded, its harder to pull things out from the back rather than the side. I swear by this tote. Recently been seeing lots of guys in New York rockin' them and they aren't "gay".




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Rock it. I have been using a porter "Smoky" tote bag for nearly 3-4 years now. Tight understated design and fits everything I need (laptop, ipod, magazines, etc...). Makes sense if you commute by train/subway during the summer months since having a backpack makes your back all sweaty and if its crowded, its harder to pull things out from the back rather than the side. I swear by this tote. Recently been seeing lots of guys in New York rockin' them and they aren't "gay".




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Rock it. I have been using a porter "Smoky" tote bag for nearly 3-4 years now. Tight understated design and fits everything I need (laptop, ipod, magazines, etc...). Makes sense if you commute by train/subway during the summer months since having a backpack makes your back all sweaty and if its crowded, its harder to pull things out from the back rather than the side. I swear by this tote. Recently been seeing lots of guys in New York rockin' them and they aren't "gay".




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i love tote bags..

ive been trying to look for a nice one that i could use for a long time...

i might check out the head porter ones you guys are talking about

i was about to get a small tote from eastpak at my vans store...but they have all these weird designs on them and i know i wont like em later on...

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anyone wanna pick one up/buy one for me? lol

i can paypal money before hand...


or does anyone know any sites that ship to the usa..


i know some rakuten sites that sell like snaekers ship to usa..anyone know if the above site ships to usa?

Edited by ngbetter11 on Feb 21, 2006 at 12:34 AM

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dudes and tote bags?

get the fuck out, thats more questionable than most of those leroy hoodies...

--- Original message by jasonm on Feb 21, 2006 06:18 PM

You're an idiot.

--- Original message by minya on Feb 21, 2006 06:19 PM

im an idiot?


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I think the tote bag thing might be region-specific in that it's pretty much the norm in japan or europe but in North America, you might end up looking like you're carrying your girlfriend's bag for her.

--- Original message by triniboy27 on Feb 22, 2006 07:42 AM

exactly, that was the question.

im not being a troll by saying a guy carrying a tote bag around in the US or Canada will look gay, that is just how it is. guys dont normally carry them

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I think the tote bag thing might be region-specific in that it's pretty much the norm in japan or europe but in North America, you might end up looking like you're carrying your girlfriend's bag for her.

--- Original message by triniboy27 on Feb 22, 2006 07:42 AM

same in (most of) the UK. i like them, but i think they are hard to pull off (for me anyway)...

wanted - spruce/w&h - pm me if you are selling...

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carry it in your hand not on your shoulder for a less "girlfriend's purse" vibe. I've been rocking a free upper playground one from SF and a free one I got from Quench in Harajuku. They're mad handy because I hate the back sweat that comes from backpacks during the warm months. Plus I just like to kick it without shit ridding up my back

I'm not gay, but I have the confidence to rock it even when my friends call it a man-purse, I'm not opposed to bringing foreign styles from overseas to the states. I've only lived in america for four years why should i switch up my steez because fools aren't willing to be open minded?

fuckin' right i'm a doctor

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