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Is your city boring?


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whos in jakarta??well,tell you what,its a city of heartfailed.it has exceed boringness.mind you..theres traffic everywhere everytime,level of polution almost as high as new mexico,sun shines too brightly on a city with only one beach,humidity will kill ya,imported magz are sold double the usual price,local food is sometimes choking me with the humongous amout of chilli,they dont sell prosperity burger at mcdonalds,small choice on the selection of international brands,dificulties of finding imported cds,we dont have underground train,the fact that youre bummed when watching movies where they can go out skinny dipping on their neighbours pool and you cant, and that youre not use to wandering around in the city by feet.but nevertheless,ive spent all my life (minus the 4.5 years i spent studying in bandung) in this pathetic city.sometimes i thought what would i be if i wasnt raised here.when im away i crave for the torture this city has gave me.i became needy.just like a wife abused by a sick husband and wanting more and more of the toxic..

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i found singapore to be one of the most over-commercialised and soul-less places on earth. everything literally facilitated and focused on shopping and consumption. with little or no culture to speak of, and any traces of uniqueness was suppressed for international trends. orchard rd was an embodiment of hell.

--- Original message by kiteless on Dec 7, 2004 03:48 PM

sounds like the United States of America to me.
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