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How will the 00's be remembered?


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each decade has had a discernible fashion statement. What about looking back on the hip-hop side for inspiration- the 80's the birth of hip-hop to run dmc defined hip-hop style. the 90's ushered in a grimier gullied look with saggy-baggy clothing, clunky boots and sneakers, all the while mixing in traditional brands like polo.

This decade has none. terrible fitting impossibly distressed bootleg jeans? Terrible looking and fitting blazers with jeans for a dressed up look for the club? Ugly tattooed shirts? Girbauds and nightgown sized shirts? The average look amongst the population has been pretty consistent and also boring. no generation after this one is going to look back on 00-10 for fashion inspiration unlike the previous ones.

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i always felt that the latter half of the 00's fashion pandered to the inept consumer.

I think its safe to assume that the general masses do NOT know how to dress themselves. This decade, its like "Fashion for Dummies." The marketing machine really took off by CREATING clothing that was flashy and looked expensive. Most people equate expense with taste and voila! we have a bunch of dudes running around in ed hardy tanks and true religion jenas. Women with their black shirt, designer mall brand jeans, hot purse of the moment and flats. By making expensive(ish) clothing more accessible, it created a wave of people who thought "they had good taste in fashion" (sup thedaniway]

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  Sayword said:
each decade has had a discernible fashion statement. What about looking back on the hip-hop side for inspiration- the 80's the birth of hip-hop to run dmc defined hip-hop style. the 90's ushered in a grimier gullied look with saggy-baggy clothing, clunky boots and sneakers, all the while mixing in traditional brands like polo.

This decade has none. terrible fitting impossibly distressed bootleg jeans? Terrible looking and fitting blazers with jeans for a dressed up look for the club? Ugly tattooed shirts? Girbauds and nightgown sized shirts? The average look amongst the population has been pretty consistent and also boring. no generation after this one is going to look back on 00-10 for fashion inspiration unlike the previous ones.

this shit annoys me, you can't decide this already for one because this is what people are wearing now and niggas ALWAYS think the ___ before this ____ was better.

It's like niggas talking about how much rap sucks now and they forget wack rappers did not start in the year 2000. shit that sucks has been around forever you just forget about it over time (minus the really bad stuff which later becomes cool/funny)

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  A good Summation said:
00 is the decade of stupid reality star celebrities

the decade of quick money, instant gratification, things that shimmer on the surface but is rotten on the inside..because instead of taking the time to construct things so its beautiful inside out people cut corners FAST FAST FAST.

the worst generation ever.. No decade has been so plagued with such spoiled, self-centered, egomaniacal kids with so little merit.

Also, terrible music, terrible art, terrible politicians...

The all-pervasive presence of media and internet through wireless gadgets has killed our soul for the sake of convenience.

we will be remembered for our terrible movies, out "retro" and urban clothing style, everyone getting tattoos, internet children, deathof many great artists, and a change of modern art to some wierd direction, where everyone draws creatures and pictures make no sense

The cell phone decade.

We completed our transition as americans to these new microcommunities. You can be is social as you want without ever saying a word to your neighbors (the people you'd run into in the normal course of the day).

I did this cause I couldn't rep

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  whitney said:
00 is the decade of stupid reality star celebrities

the decade of quick money, instant gratification, things that shimmer on the surface but is rotten on the inside..because instead of taking the time to construct things so its beautiful inside out people cut corners FAST FAST FAST

AKA roaring 20s. last ten years was fucked in a lot of ways but every decade has its pros and cons. just because things seem to be getting shittier while we're in the midst of them doesn't mean they will look worse than any other time period in retrospect.

Or they could be just that, give it a little while before making too many generalizations though either way I think

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reality tv


souljah boy/krunk rap/shit



the time when we look back and go maybe we should've stopped polluting the planet because now we're fucked/event horizon for climate change

9/11 crying eagle posters

sarah palin

2010 cali legalization? maybe? hopefully :) :) :)

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Recycling of 80s looks/music/culture, conservative president. Do conservative presidents always reside over shitty decades? I think so. Because I fucking HATE the 80s and see the 00s as a crappier repeat of them.

It's not nostalgia perverting my view either. I'm pretty certain I'm not gonna look back and think, wow, the 00s were such a great time! The only good things to come out of the 80s were those making statements lambasting them or going completely against the grain. Think American Psycho or the Pixies. What like that is going on now? Have to think hard ... but they'll be evident soon enough and celebrated.

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i too have thought plenty about this idea

we are the generation egoistic. (i believe there's a book that specifically talks about it called "Generation Me". Pretty true.)

anyway ya - we are the hipster, bad fashion backwards, internet age.


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- The time in which corporations succeeded human beings in importance in society and where they dictate the success and popularity of foods, music, popular culture, and political movements.

- A rome-esque time of overreaching by the US, beginning its ultimate downfall

- A period of "reality-tv-ificiation" of the worldwide political process (silvio berlusconi anyone?)

- A period where people began to take technology for granted in small ways

- The time when people finally started seeing themselves as part of the earth and not the masters of it; when we finally started looking at ways to live here without consuming all the natural resources and being forced to become independence day-like locusts forced to move from planet to planet to consume everything before moving on (a man can hope, right?)

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  JackPhotography said:
the rise of the simulcra

the rise of marketing and it's importance

the rise of all things abstracted from the tangible

the rise of the hyperrreality

and of course the counterculture that rejects everything above.

(most of us here, hopefully)

meng... really?

shit is like 60's or earlier marxist shits at least... gtfooh w/ that.

feuerbach etc. --> marx --> adorno --> debord --> baudrillard

old news, b.

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  jack napier said:
meng... really?

shit is like 60's or earlier marxist shits at least... gtfooh w/ that.

feuerbach etc. --> marx --> adorno --> debord --> baudrillard

old news, b.

naaaaaaaame droppin'

I'm just saying more specific examples for the these things are becoming accepted cultural icons and more apparent.

not acting like this is new, it's not.

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hey man... if i wanted to flex, i would have flexed. just noting that it's hardly a new idea...

anyhow, you're part right, shit is more evident, but it ain't "the rise."

n e waiz.... to add something to the conversation, i think this decade is also going to be know on the hippy side of things...

'natural' (whatever that means) is the craze, and just about anything is 'green.' in the history books, if we get that far, the 2000's might also seem like a period of often misguided, trendy & reactionary environmentalism... decades after we figured out this shit was happening. fuck a prius.

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^ That's something we are going to see A LOT more of in the next decade and probably what it will be remembered for. People are actually finally changing slowly, global warming is basically the new religion and people are gonna go all loony for saving the planet in the next decade.

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It's hard to say. There's a lot of truth in the previous posters who have noted current generations always lament the present and romanticize the past.

In 20 years, when it's 2029, I have a feeling most of the people who posted in this thread saying how much these years 'sucked' will be older, and reminiscing how the good old days of the 2000's were so much simpler then they are today, how the current generation's music/film/fashion is so out of line compared to 'when I was growing up'.

Artistic merits are subjective of course, but over time we'll slowly ignore the bad and remember the good- it's inevitable. Sure, rap or rock didn't experience their golden years this decade, but you also have to consider that the indie and electro scenes were possibly better this decade than any other prior.

You're not going to look back and think about Ed Hardy or Affliction (not saying you'll forget), but you'll look fondly at your memories of Raf, Junya, Hedi, Margiela, Thom Browne, and all the other prominent, great designers we followed this decade. We will also remember this decade for the the explosion and maturation of the premium and raw denim movement and all the quality brands that grew out of that (IH, Flat Head, 45 RPM). The workwear movement of the late 2000's towards quality and classic designs will also be regarded well by future fashion enthusiasts. High-brow design in the 2000's reached a very clean, minimalist aesthetic that hadn't been seen for 50 years.

And finally, I will leave you with a quote from Karl Lagerfield:

"I'm open to everything. When you start to criticize the times you live in, your time is over."


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