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denim for skating


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i've never found jeans to be good for skating. just too restrictive (and heavy). shorts, sweatpants, and loose canvas pants are the best. but if you must, don't spend too much money on anything that you skate in. it sort of goes against the dogma of skating (at least my generation) to be too concerned about what you look like versus how well you can skate.

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^^i really dont wear anything but jeans to be honest, and id really never skate in shorts just because of how bad you can rough up your legs. but im really into clothes, and id like to be ab.le to find some i can wear all the time. i guess thats my standpoint. i dont care in the least what i look like when i skate, cos im about ten years over that. when i started, i cared. but now, i just like to skate, which is exactly why i dont want to have to change clothes when i do.


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go pick up some 501s or 517s at sears or the salvation army. break em in yourself. dont go wearing premium jeans to the skatepark, its a waste. you could also try some stretch jeans like krew although for a skate brand they dont really hold up too well. ive got some vintage levis that have a bit of stretch to them and they look good without restricting my movement.

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skate companies make jeans. i even remember one of the brands having a selvedge one. those are meant to be skated in.

--- Original message by poly800rock on Feb 15, 2006 06:31 PM


--- Original message by adsurgo on Feb 15, 2006 06:38 PM

I think Zoo York did some as well.

I had some Unabomber jeans once (Brit Company) and they were great for skating in. The denim was really soft and light, it wasn't too skinny or baggy so it didn't restrict movement, and they took one hell of a beating. After 2 years of skating in them before I quit, they still didn't have a tear.

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i use to wear to same jeans when i was skating than usual. i got of got tired of thrashing my jeans all the times. skating will fuck up your jeans, regardless of the quality of it. now that i've started to pay a bit more for my jeans, i just don't skate in them. whenever i go skating, i'll use some of my old jeans, cause they're a bit too baggy for my liking now so i won't wear them and thus, i don't mind thrashing them. skate companies do make tons of jeans, that's pretty much the only thing i use to buy(4Star, Elwood, Droors, Matix, Volcom), but if you're only gonna use them for skating, i think they're not good value for money. i don't really shop in skateshop so much, but i think many companies have started to pay more attention to the quality of their product (someone mntion Enjoi) so it might be wort it to check it out. most pair will run at about 60-80$ while you can get a pair of levi's that same if not of better quality for 30$. there's a levi's outlet close to my place and jeans are just so cheap there. i also like really thin and soft denim for skating so in wouldn't think of skating in dry denim.

if you realy insist on wearing selvedge, i think the Baggy Bjorn would be a good option, also, the Edwin 505z or 505zx would be a really good pair also. i tried a pair a 505zx last weekend and i really liked to fit, it's still a big baggy compared to what most people wear on this site, but perfect for me. the 505z is more baggy (was a bit to much for me, but still comparable or even slimmer than what most skaters wear). they're bot selvedge and a real bargain in Japan (about 70$) and the washes are really nice. i know edwin are more expensive outside of japan but i still think it would be a good option for you.

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I skate in cheap jeans... I got some CK low rise slim bootcut that have a bit of stretch.. I tried to skate in my dry denim, but they get sweaty as fuck.

Matix has some new selvedged denim coming out as does DC. Also Enjoi Sven is pretty nice. I fucking can't stand skating in normal rise jeans.. Long rise restricts the legs too much.. I feel like I cant get the crazy legs I want on my tre flips.

I may start skating in these one wash da'mage jeans I picked up for 30 bucks at nordstrom's rack..

they had some 25$ raw Jake Agave selvedge jeans, but again I can't stand high rise/regular rise/501 rise style jeans.

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yea, i guess what i want is a nice unwashed pair of denim, possibly dry, that i can fade up. id like to see what some legit skating would do to a pair, but i dont want to absolutely destroy them in the process. im thinking theyd look real good after a couple months of skating...give em some new life because of the movement in skating. granted id like to avoid throwing myself down a 12 stair handrail with some super tight, no give jeans...does anyone make a nice, super dark indigo dry pair for relatively cheap that has some stretch to it? thatd be key.


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pretty much every skate company has stretch denim jeans now, which i hate. ive always skated in regular denim and theyve worked fine with me. if it has no more than 1% stretch than they dont look too stupid. i also cant stand the whole nuthugging jeans trend going on, its near impossible to find a good pair of skate jeans that dont strangle your nuggets. gotta give your hairy walnuts room to breathe.

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I personally skate in these super cheap wal-mart jeans. They are called rustlers, and they sell an unwashed pair for about 9.95.

They really are pieces of shit, but look good after a bit. I have yet to washe them and the sweat has made for a ritcheous fade. They are also pretty beaten up from falls.

I primarily longboard, so if I do fall it is pretty bad.

They arent high end, but really who cares, you are going to tear them up anyway.

Exceptions Prove the Rule - Kontroll

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