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Can You ID This Shirt For Me Please...

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I'm just going to print my own.


Thornhill is the (very jewish) town that am from.

I am looking for a lowercase hebrew font though if anyone can help me with that...

I'm not sure if I should do it my self or get it done if i can sell enough, never done an all over print before, do most places do it? how much more?

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pretty boring, nothing to do. the kids just get stoned and drive around in their parents bmws. funny how you mentioned that, small world. whenever I mention i am from thornhill everybody asks "are you jewish"

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Edited by SENDkylHISPASSWORD on Feb 27, 2006 at 09:05 PM

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where is it in ontario? i used to walk through the jewish neighborhoods in montreal and it was insane culture shock. im not sure what to call certain groups, orthodox? hasidic? i dont even know the difference but they rep some very different lifestyles right in the middle of everyone else. definately interesting to see people dressed so differently/traditionally and keeping to themselves right in the heart of a major multiculutural city. once some guy even crossed the street to get away from me, maybe i wasnt supposed to be rollin through his turf like that.

is it like that in thornhill?

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Does anyone like the shirt I posted and would wear it based on the aesthetic, or wouldn't wear it because they don't get it/relate to it.

The only people I could see wanting this shirt a the people in my crew and the extensions...

--- Original message by SENDkylHISPASSWORD on Feb 28, 2006 04:27 PM

i think it's funny, and would be funny to people in toronto...but i dunno.

i think 'richmond hill' would be funnier.

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