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Ever move out with your best friends?


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I've been a long time lurker here on the forums. I've realized that this place is truly a melting pot with people from all walks of life and therefore have come to you guys for some advice.

I'm planning to move out with my 2 best friends very soon. We've all been homies, I guess you could say, for quite some time now and it's about time that we move away from this bittersweet place known as Irvine. We were supposed to move out last year around this time and one of my friends backed out due to financial reasons that made no sense at all (he said he needed to buy music equipment but never did it). Here we are a year later and we're now talking about moving to Seattle. When we first brought it up, I thought I was really up to it and was ready for it, but at this time, I have almost no money and I need to finish my community service and be finished with all my legal troubles.

I really want to move out for the following reasons:

- These guys are my homies. When it comes down to it, I can sincerely say that I have these guys back no matter what happens and I hope that they feel the same way. One of my friends (let's call him friend A) got me out of jail. I know that Friend A and B will be there no matter what kind of bullshit I bring to the table and they'll support me in any and all situations.

- I NEED TO GET THE FVCK OUT OF IRVINE. I've lived here my entire life and it's a great place to grow up but it's time to move on

- I need to get away from my dad. There's nothing that get's me more upset than finding out that someone is cheating, especially when it's my dad cheating on my Mom. I've lost all respect for my dad and I can't put up with his crap anymore. I literally cried for days when I found out that he was cheating, that's how upset I was. Enough said

- Terrible reason but I absolutely love Seattle. I was born in Seattle and my family moved to southern california when I was 2 months old. It's time for me to go back to the motherland

I'm having crazy doubts for the following reasons:

- Friend A has been really moody lately. I don't know if he's just sick of Irvine and really wants to get out or what but he's just been exploding at people all the freaking time. He's just been like "SHUT THE #### UP" and just going off to Friend B and I. He just plays it off like he's joking or something but that #### get's old really fast. Once or twice or whatever and it's funny but when it happens multiple times a week it's not so fun anymore. I'm not confrontational at all so I just brush it off but it really pisses of friend B sometimes. I sometimes think that he does it without realizing the extent that it's gone to before. It's as if he's trying to get a rise out of Friend B and especially myself knowing that I'm not confrontational at all.

- My mom told me a while ago that moving out with your friends is like committing to a long term relationship, especially if we decide to move to Seattle. I really thought this was a dumb idea in the beginning but the more I think about it the more true it is. If we move to Seattle, we're going to have to rely on each other. It could tear us apart or make us stronger...

- I have no money, I stopped working back in december because we weren't moving out anymore. At the time, I was very unhappy at my job and left with $6500 in the bank. 9 months later, I've put $3000 into an IRA and through spending, I'm down to about $1400. This leaves me with definitely not enough money to move out. I'm working right now at my family's liquor store and I think I could have $2500 by september and I could borrow a thousand or two from my Mom. I definitely think I could get a decent paying job in Seattle as a server as I've worked in restaurants for the past 3 and a half years (i'm almost 20 and started working when I was 16). As far as money is concerned, I don't think I'll have enough money to actually move there but once we're there I'll be good.

- I'm in trouble with the law. Long story short I have another 100+ hours of community service left to do. I have to somehow juggle finishing community service and working at the liquor store without my family knowing that I can't work in the daytimes for some mysterious reason.

- I HAVE TO GO TO SCHOOL. Say what you want but i absolutely HAVE to go to school whether I move to Seattle or not. Tuition is expensive compared to where I'm going right now (around 300 here and 2500 there) and that money has to come from my pocket. Just another expense that I have to worry about if I leave good ol Irvine

I really don't know what to do but it really should be an easy decision. I'm leaning towards staying here until december, finishing my community service, take another semester of school here so that I don't have to when I go to seattle, get together some more money, and work some attitude problems out with my friends.

Should I even consider moving out with these guys or is it just bad news waiting to happen? Am I just dreaming thinking that I could realistically move out right now? As far as money goes, I'll be fine by september.

I think about this whole thing constantly and I need some other opinions

If you've gotten this far thanks for reading. Any advice?

I'm high as hell and need to get all my thoughts out there.

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- Terrible reason but I absolutely love Seattle. I was born in Seattle and my family moved to southern california when I was 2 months old. It's time for me to go back to the motherland

Sounds like a good reason to me.

- I have no money, I stopped working back in december because we weren't moving out anymore. At the time, I was very unhappy at my job and left with $6500 in the bank. 9 months later, I've put $3000 into an IRA and through spending, I'm down to about $1400. This leaves me with definitely not enough money to move out. I'm working right now at my family's liquor store and I think I could have $2500 by september and I could borrow a thousand or two from my Mom. I definitely think I could get a decent paying job in Seattle as a server as I've worked in restaurants for the past 3 and a half years (i'm almost 20 and started working when I was 16). As far as money is concerned, I don't think I'll have enough money to actually move there but once we're there I'll be good.

- I'm in trouble with the law. Long story short I have another 100+ hours of community service left to do. I have to somehow juggle finishing community service and working at the liquor store without my family knowing that I can't work in the daytimes for some mysterious reason.

It doesn't sound like you can leave right away anyhow. I'd save up as much cash as possible and then bump. As for moving in with friends, I've ruined a couple friendships by becoming roommates, but that's probably because I'm an asshole. These days I wouldn't even consider moving in with a good friend of mine.

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Your mom is completely right.

Don't move for homies, move for you.

If you love Seattle, then by all means move, but DO NOT fucking MARRY these dudes in EVERY aspect of your life.

Be your own man. Find out what you want from life and pursue it. Don't let relationships, friendships or romantic ones, get in the way of you having the life experience that's right for you.

Be your own man.

Be your own man.

Be your own man.

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I think you should do it, make sure you have a well thought out plan of how you manage your funds. I see money as your biggest concern. Friends, no matter how close you think they are, will come and go. You're very young still, so it's a good time to take some risks, it'll be a great experience for you to move out and do your own thing. The biggest problem of course is money, make sure you have enough to support yourself and to put yourself through school. Other than that, just go for it man.

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