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LVC 1947 Dry Jeans Availability?

Jim Cissell

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It's a toss up for me. I would say the canes are pretty damn good replicas. At 175 for levis and 178 for canes, it is just too hard for me to decide. If i am going for a good fade, it would be the canes, because i haven't seen nicely faded 47 levis. If I am going for the dark blue almost black dry jeans look then I would buy a pair of 47 levis, cold soak them, and never ever wash them again. The 47s fit is just too classic. It is one of those things, like a 57 chevy, that will never go out of style and always look good.

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The denim is way more stiff (heavier) and doesn't lose its color as fast as STFs. The construction of the 47 lvc is leaps and bounds above the 501 stfs of today. The color is way more darker. there is just too many differences to count.

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Are these going to be at the San Francisco Union Square Levi's Store anytime soon? I was just there Thursday and I didn't see anything but I might just have been looking in the wrong place. I would only assume that since Levi's is based in San Francisco, it would have the most up to date products.

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If anyone is interested I've got a new pair of older issues of LVC 1947 for sale. 555 is stamped on the top button(which means they are the very sought of jeans from the old Levi's factory at Valencia).

Size is 34x36 and they are of course raw and unwashed. Also got the receipt from the Levis Store.

Just pm or mail if you're interested.

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If anyone is interested I've got a new pair of older issues of LVC 1947 for sale. 555 is stamped on the top button(which means they are the very sought of jeans from the old Levi's factory at Valencia).

Size is 34x36 and they are of course raw and unwashed. Also got the receipt from the Levis Store.

Just pm or mail if you're interested.

Ok how much are they??

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Damn!!! Them shits are dark.

--- Original message by rnrswitch on Feb 11, 2006 02:59 PM

I have noticed that the raw, unwashed denim of the newer '47s is darker and than the earlier, Levi-produced '47s and even the Sugar Canes...they also seem to have a different overall feel to them...maybe not as stiff or something

that's just my observation

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