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Stronghold Denim Update


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A few weeks ago I had mentioned the rather large Stronghold order I had placed for my store, and was anxiously awaiting the shipment. I was singing Stronghold praises based on the samples I saw in September. Well they arrived, and now I can say for certain that these are some killer jeans. I have sold a dozen pair and my storefront isn't even open. The women that try the jean love the fit, as do I, and the men have found the bootleg to be more comfortable than their favorite old jeans (in Nashville this usually means Levis or Wranglers)

I find that even the low cash cowboys are willing to spend the extra money on the Stronghold after they have been educated in shuttle looms, selvedge, and hand hammered rivets.... and most of the guys love that the jean is made in America (except for the Carolina cotton woven on the Japanese looms)

My fiancee tends to be more of a rocker, and chose a larger womens bootcut, because of the lower rise.

My only complaint is that the most popular mens cut for me (the bootcut) has been discontinued...... drat! And that the womens bootcut has to be cut in such a way that there is no selvedge edge in the seam.

All of the pocket linings are old fashioned ticking (looks like my 1st big girl mattress) and there is a cute hidden inside pocket I suspect for a condom, however I suppose you could put other stuff in there if you want.

By and large, even my friends and clients who have never spent more than a hundred bucks on 2 pairs of jeans, are finding these jeans to look and feel great enough to fork out a big part of their paycheck. This has me inspired for sure, and I am looking forward to my next shipment with even more styles and washes!

-----as a footnote; the straight leg for men is extremely long in the inseam, and comes cuffed. The leg could easily accomadate a boot, so the bootlegs are going away, but the straight legs will be available either cuffed or uncuffed..... this may be ok with my guys.

You can put lipstick on a pig, but it is still a pig.

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I saw the Ladies Stronghold's in the straight leg at Fred Segal and again at American Rag.....Both Times I made my girlfriend try them on, and both times she loved them, just not the price tag. I'm trying so hard to get her to think about denim the same way I do, but its an uphill battle, and I think she has too much fun making fun of me for obsessing


Fuck....more shit to buy

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I dissagree with you on this one. Stronghold has a very long history in the denim business, nearly as long as levi's. To me though, the jeans are more important than the brand tradition, and I really like the strongholds. The quality seemed good, I liked the cut (the womens straight leg) that saw. There is very little branding on the the jeans themselves. Just a good classic looking jean. I almost would group them in the Acne/APC realm in terms of looks.

Now, in terms of which brand is hot at what moment....I know, denim shoppers are very fickle, and the newest hottest thing often dies just as quickly.....nothing about these jeans makes me think that I wouldn't like them in 2 years or in 10 years

Fuck....more shit to buy

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yeah, Stronghold do have a long history. But they were dormant for a while and ressurected by the same people who resurrected Von Dutch, no?

In any case, I haven't been too impressed by the mens Stronghold jeans I've seen (not in person). Seems kind of like a bandwagon-jumping thing.

Who knows, we'll see how it pans out.

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I haven't bought a pair of prewashed/predistressed jeans in probably 8 years and those jeans don't make me want to start, especially at that price.

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it is too bad that revolve got the Stronghold, I know the owners regret it..... especially since the washes and cuts I see on that damn site look nothing like the jeans in my store.

I do not think that you can put the same dude in 3 different cuts of any pant and expect them to all look right.

The Stovepipe is not my favorite, but it is the closest to the cuts of the 20s and 30s. It is what the Stronghold ad with Charlie Chaplain was for, you know the railroad, the coal mine...... and the jean actually looks really good on bigger, taller men. I would say no waist smaller than a 34-36 and no shorter than 5'11"-6foot. Thankfully Nashville is full of guys that size......

I am still working on pictures.....in case anyone cares anymore........:)

It IS funny that the only time I have seen the jean look like shit is on revolve....... womens AND mens look wrong.


You can put lipstick on a pig, but it is still a pig.

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Do they have dry jeans? I couldn't imagine a cowboy buying predistressed jeans for $264. Shit I work with a bunch of cowboys and they give me crap for working with sugarcanes on or even caring what i look like.

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Most of the cowboys in Nashville are dudes who left the ranch to sing country. Unless you are actually a real cowboy, it matters not whether the double seam is on the inside leg (Levis etc) or outside (wrangler) The latter prevents chaffing:)

By dry, I am assuming you mean unwashed, stiff, like evisu used to be? Dark washes are coming back, but those stiff soak in the tub till they fit jeans dont seem to be a big hit here. Besides, the men folks here starch and iron their jeans till there is a worn crease line down the front of the pant legs. ALSO the true cowboy seems to love that trophy buckle up around his neck....... not flattering in my opinion.

I realize it is there for a reason..... most cowboy trends serve a purpose.... even the mullet. The Marlboro man was a myth, much to my dismay:)


You can put lipstick on a pig, but it is still a pig.

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Severely off topic, but what was the purpose of the mullet?

And yes, I'd still be interested in pics, especially if the revolve clothing ones aren't proper examples of the line....

--- Original message by triniboy27 on Feb 3, 2006 04:32 AM

Yes, it would be nice seeing a pair that is not worn by Revolves model. A lot of jeans just don't look good on him, that accually look good in real life...
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The male model in the Stronghold aint NOTHIN!! check out the side closeup view of the chick, it is sad, and obviously something to do with pixels or something, but if you need a place to set your beer...... BABY GOT BAR BACK (just add coaster or bev nap:)

I showed it to their rep last week, and she nearly laughed herself onto the floor...... I think she might have peed a little!! and there is already something brewing there...... as far as the happiness of the owners that their "babies" are on revolve. I shopped there when I first moved to Nashville because there was NOThING here, now that the store is underway not only am I in LA NYC and London regularly, but dude? Nashville would probably surprise anyone. In the last 2 quite a few funky fresh boutiques have opened, to my DELIGHT, and sadly, a few have already gone. There is a very forward boutique here called Sugar, and Jenny and I have VERY similar taste.... but to tell you the truth..... she IS in the middle of the money, and she isnt a Talbots. Or whatever these ladies wear to these things.

You can put lipstick on a pig, but it is still a pig.

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