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Guest Advil

Who is your favorite president, and why?

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Andrew Jackson.

For this reason

Andrew Jackson was the first president on whom an assassination attempt was made. A man named Richard Lawrence approached Jackson with two pistols both of which, for some reason, misfired. With the possibility of an assassination taken off the table, Jackson proceeded to beat Lawrence near death with his cane until Jackson's aides pulled him off the assassin.

The guns were inspected afterwards and it was discovered that they were in perfect working order, leading some historians to believe that it was an odds-defying "miracle" that Jackson survived, while we're pretty sure that the bullets, like everyone else, were simply scared of Jackson.

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Don't hold a citizenship or green card

Don't even believe in a capital G god

But I'm, made in America

Like Tony Soprano, shit i'm tellin ya

I'll make you see the ugly like Ms. Ferrera

The good, the bad, the whole Clint Eastwood

Doggin ya with the heat good like a real beast should

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andrew jackson was the fucking man.

More serious was Jackson's duel with Charles Dickinson in 1806. Dickinson, who had a reputation as the best shot in Tennessee, had made disparaging remarks about Jackson's beloved Rachel (rachel was a woman that jackson was cheating on his wifey with). In the duel that followed, Dickinson fired first, and his bullet entered Jackson's chest just an inch above the heart. Jackson staggered as the blood began soaking through his clothes, but he managed to steady himself and took aim at Dickinson. Dickinson ran from the line of fire, but he was ordered back to his place, a mere 24 ft. from Jackson, according to the code of honor. Dickinson stood awaiting Jackson's bullet with his arms crossed over his chest; Jackson steadied himself, aimed slowly and deliberately, and shot his opponent in the groin. Dickinson died a slow and painful death, and Jackson carried his bullet for the rest of his life; it had lodged too close to Jackson's heart to be removed.

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an era when men were Men.

as per Sam Shepard, “I swallow the smog, I watch the news in color. I shop in the Safeway….There’s no such thing as the West anymore! It’s a dead issue!”

andrew jackson was the fucking man.

More serious was Jackson's duel with Charles Dickinson in 1806. Dickinson, who had a reputation as the best shot in Tennessee, had made disparaging remarks about Jackson's beloved Rachel (rachel was a woman that jackson was cheating on his wifey with). In the duel that followed, Dickinson fired first, and his bullet entered Jackson's chest just an inch above the heart. Jackson staggered as the blood began soaking through his clothes, but he managed to steady himself and took aim at Dickinson. Dickinson ran from the line of fire, but he was ordered back to his place, a mere 24 ft. from Jackson, according to the code of honor. Dickinson stood awaiting Jackson's bullet with his arms crossed over his chest; Jackson steadied himself, aimed slowly and deliberately, and shot his opponent in the groin. Dickinson died a slow and painful death, and Jackson carried his bullet for the rest of his life; it had lodged too close to Jackson's heart to be removed.

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Teddy Roosevelt. He's a real man. Also he didn't fail policy wise in office like Jackson did. Jackson did nothing to stop secession, if anything he promoted it. Also, he ruined America financially. Teddy Roosevelt on the other hand, not only went hunting and on expeditions killing elephants. He beat out his asthma and sickness by working out and being a man. He was also the first president to leave the country. Allowed the Panama Canal to be made. Created major reforms in America. Busted Trusts. And had a really fucking nice moustache.

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I'm from Canada. I'm taking this course on Genocide in my high school. We just went though this entire unit bashing Andrew Jackson saying how slaughtered all these Natives and stole their land. Before he was president apparently he was a salve trader. Mostly made his money from running the natives off their land and then selling it. His policy to expand west anr "resettle" the natives in the desert was pretty mean. Not to wreck your perceptions of the guy or anything.

Abe was the fucking man though.

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Teddy Roosevelt. He's a real man. Also he didn't fail policy wise in office like Jackson did. Jackson did nothing to stop secession, if anything he promoted it. Also, he ruined America financially. Teddy Roosevelt on the other hand, not only went hunting and on expeditions killing elephants. He beat out his asthma and sickness by working out and being a man. He was also the first president to leave the country. Allowed the Panama Canal to be made. Created major reforms in America. Busted Trusts. And had a really fucking nice moustache.

That and the fact that he got shot during a speech, and then continued to give the speech.

"Friends, I shall ask you to be as quiet as possible. I don't know whether you fully understand that I have just been shot; but it takes more than that to kill a Bull Moose. But fortunately I had my manuscript, so you see I was going to make a long speech, and there is a bullet - there is where the bullet went through - and it probably saved me from it going into my heart. The bullet is in me now, so that I cannot make a very long speech, but I will try my best."
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word. if i ever get famous im going to carry a steel glasses case in my pocket too. block them bullets. and also the fact that he didnt rape the whole native american population and form the trail of tears.

also this:


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