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BoO x Sperry Nylon Boat Boots 10.5


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Bought these from Gilt. Just got them yesterday. They aren't going to work for me. They're size 10.5 and the black nylon boat deck boot. They're pretty cool and can be worn in workwear or more new england prep outdoor type stuff if you want. I only tried them on once (pretty comfy. more so than normal sperrys).

I paid $98 + $10 shipping = $108. I'll sell them for $108 + shipping + 4% paypal if someone wanted them. I'll give you guys a day or two, otherwise i'm just going to return them to Gilt Groupe so absolutely no offers unless you have some thing to trade and you know the kind of stuff i like.

You all know what they look like but if you don't, lemme know and i'll find stock pics for you. I have no problem returning them but figured someone else would like these at a good price compared to retail

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