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what to look for in 'thrift store denim'


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I just recently picked up a vintage COOGi beanie at Amvets...They wanted $2.00 which was a little to gangster for my pocketbook. I politely asked an elderly old woman if she would purchase it for me with her senior citizens discount. She said "sure." Copped for $1.72. I plan on wearing it with my wu-wear sweatshirt.

wind breakin necks with that neon air tech

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Most thrift stores know the difference between the good stuff and the crap so, you won't see any pre "71" denim there at all "big E" or bintage selvage denim. That said...there are tons of very well worn 501s that are from the 80s and on and like the last posts said...try them on.

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i don't need people to tell me what to do or what to wear, just some advice on how to pick up something nice out of all the shit. i'd have 8 pairs of nudies by now if i was jocking most of the people on here, just looking for info. thanks to those with valid input.

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unemployed with internet? you cant be that low on dough my brother..


i found some nuts levis today actually.. full rigid, completely deadstock raw denim orange tab ''super bells'

anyone know much about em?

--- Original message by thomas_highstreet on Dec 7, 2005 11:25 AM

Heheh...funny you mention that. I came across two pairs of the exact same jeans at my local second-hand store. Stiff as cardboard, deadstock with tags still attached and all. Huge bell-bottom flares, right?
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unemployed with internet? you cant be that low on dough my brother..


i found some nuts levis today actually.. full rigid, completely deadstock raw denim orange tab ''super bells'

anyone know much about em?

--- Original message by thomas_highstreet on Dec 7, 2005 11:25 AM

Heheh...funny you mention that. I came across two pairs of the exact same jeans at my local second-hand store. Stiff as cardboard, deadstock with tags still attached and all. Huge bell-bottom flares, right?

--- Original message by Dangydang on Dec 8, 2005 12:32 PM

hahah yeah.. theyre fucking horrific!!


the name almost made me piss myself

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I would take a pair of those 646's if anyone sees them in a 32 waist.

Good denim is really hard to find in a thrift store. I have found a couple of old lees and one pair of redline levis in my thousands f ours of searching. What I usually look for and find are old sweatshirts; which are worth quite a bit of dough. My advice is to look at a lot of jeans (or anything for that matter); it will start to click what is good (and rare) and what is not. I can see pre 1975 indigo from 30 paces! My hear almost stops when I find early sweatshirts, they are so awesome looking and the color is so much better looking that the modern shit.

Carpe Denim! (not the jean brand silly!)


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i have to say im sorry for the people in really big cities. i live in jacksonville fl, and there is so much in thrift stores here just because noone knows what to look for, and noone knows ho to price. i found a pair of orange tab 505 with the talon 42 zipper, dark indigo w\ almost no fading for 5$ just a few days ago. ive found hermes shirts for 3$ next to phat farm shirts that were 15. if anyone is looking for something specific, hit me up. i may be able to help

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the majority of thrift stores know what to look for and when they find it they sell it alot of the times to a vintage colthing distro in bulk at least in michigan this is the case. detroit has great thrift stores and occasionally i can turn up a pair of bigE levis but sweatshirts are a much easier catch because i don't think the thrifts have caught on. alot of these double v's can go for just as much as a pair of jeans from the same era. as for big label shit...just go to beacons closet in brooklyn (park slope or williamsburg) tons of designer clothes for $10. i regularly see $200-300 shirts for $10-20.

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I usually find sweatshirts in little towns around the (East and North) Bay Area and in the Central Valley. There are some cool ones in Wasteland and that other place across the street. I haven't found a double V yet! I collect reverse weaves and such but they fit awkwardly and are too thick so I don't wear them. I like to wear raglan and normal seats that have the really thin material. I wear a lot from the late 70's and early 80's.

Carpe Denim! (not the jean brand silly!)


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