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Daniel Palillo Garden of O.D.P SS09


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Guest binaural

i think he's progressed quite a bit too. i agree. that's why i'm saying i like his SS09 collection best so far, from what i've seen. i like the other collections as well, though

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Guest binaural
  Minou said:
neptune, that's exactly what i dislike. i don't hate it though. just don't like it. reminds me too much of the KKK.

kinda more executioner vibe than KKK in my opinion. black hoods, not white hoods, etc.


anyway, i generally just dig his whole thing. pretty simple, oversized vaguely goth/black metal, etc. to me, at least. it's alwaya a lot of fun.

Spring/Summer 09 is going for a Sailor theme. it's nice to see him using bit of color too, however restrained.

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Guest binaural
  Minou said:
yeah i really dig it. i'm gona get the AW08 patchwork cardigan next month. hopefully it doesn't get sold out anytime soon!

yeah, i mean, i think there's a store in NYC, but, like i said, Welcome Hunters in LA just got the AW08 collection, but it's already going really fast it seems. they said that production was somewhat limited. i don't know.

you're in Paris, though, right? is Kokon to Zai stocking?

i want the oversized "Pyramid" Hoodie (with the foam studs on the sleeves) and the grey, hooded vest



i'm thinking this stuff would like dope with some British Knights (b&w) for the total head vibe.

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yeah. shit's good as hell but the pyramid hood would take loads off steez to pull off. someone like suckdick or worm could do.

i'm back in sg for the moment. KTZ in paris doesnt stock daniel palillo i think. havent seen his stuff hanging around when i'm there.

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Guest binaural
  Minou said:
yeah. shit's good as hell but the pyramid hood would take loads off steez to pull off. someone like suckdick or worm could do.

i'm back in sg for the moment. KTZ in paris doesnt stock daniel palillo i think. havent seen his stuff hanging around when i'm there.

i tried it on at WH, and it was really fun. looked great. i have a few of his things from SS08... i actually really like his print tees (have the rabbit one, oversized). his drawings are cool. what's up with the Beethoven/Gerald Scarfe (the Wall) looking drawing? awesome...




anyway, i thought Kokon to Zai stocked his stuff, but maybe just the London shop(s). or, I could be totally wrong. :) right in line with their sensibility though.

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or maybe they do but i'm always too late to even get to see it? haha.

god, you know quite about him ay and i know you've got loads of pics from his work. please do post it up too if you can! we should make this a dedicated thread for him

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Guest binaural
  Minou said:
or maybe they do but i'm always too late to even get to see it? haha.

god, you know quite about him ay and i know you've got loads of pics from his work. please do post it up too if you can! we should make this a dedicated thread for him

i sorta do. i've been following him the last few seasons (which, i think is about as long as he's been around?). he owns that shop in Helsinki, Wunder. i only know bits and pieces b/c of my friends at WH.

anyway, where are you? SG?? where's that? if US,, you should call welcome hunters and ask, b/c I know they're about to put everything up on line (i bought two) and the shit goes fast (last season too) they said. too fast to score a piece sometimes. also, i think there's a shop in NY, but i don't know. famous friends? eh. i've only just heard rumours, never been there.

here's the SS08 lookbook... i like the "bangs" shirt and all the huge, stitched faces. so much fun...




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Guest binaural
  Minou said:
sg = singapore. an asian country. a mafucking tiny red dot in the map.

and yeah, i wanted to cop some of his ss08 stuff but was too late to jump on the bandwagon. sucha pity.

oh, sorry! i didn't know that sg was singapore's abbreviation.

his shit seems really limited, the stuff feels like he's making it in his studio or something, but i don't know. it's got a very DIY feel to it. anyway, i feel you, i missed out on some stuff too... and i WISH i could get my hands on this stuff. is this AW07 maybe?


anyway, he seems to be getting more attention now, so maybe they'll step it up with production next season. hope so.

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Guest binaural
  Minou said:
yeah, i have a feeling he's gona step up production for the ss09 collection. i really wish i had some of his old stuff. i think that is from his aw07.

but i really want this.


just to share


i think i saw that first piece in a Vice editorial, shot in Finland... it's cool.

that second piece is similar to something from SS08 that was a large top with neckholes all over it.

who knows about next season, but i love pieces i have b/c they are kinda special since they're sorta rare now...

i just looked and, online, WH still has the SS08 shorts and skirts, for whatever that's worth. the shorts are actualy kinda cool and tribal looking.

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