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Roll Your Own: Leather Tobacco Pouches


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I've recently started rolling my own cigarettes again, and I'm looking for a nice leather tobacco pounch. Preferably natural leather, so that I can get some nice wear over time.

I'd prefer a soft leather "roll-up" kind of pouch...something I can just jam in my back pocket without worrying about it.

Other than the usual crap that I can find by doing a Google search, anyone got suggestions?

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this is nothing against you in any way, and i'm sure you're a cool dude ... but if i see one more fucking hipster douche bag rolling his own cigarette while licking his oh so "ironic" moustache i am going to strangle someone.

i did see this REALLY rad old-school looking tobacco shop downtown and i bet they have some gnarly stuff. i'll be in the area soon and i'll check it out for you.

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this is nothing against you in any way, and i'm sure you're a cool dude ... but if i see one more fucking hipster douche bag rolling his own cigarette while licking his oh so "ironic" moustache i am going to strangle someone.

i did see this REALLY rad old-school looking tobacco shop downtown and i bet they have some gnarly stuff. i'll be in the area soon and i'll check it out for you.

Honestly, I'm with you. And I railed against this for a good minute. But the hard fact of the matter is that I'm a 3-pack a day smoker. I can spend $15 a day on this, or if I roll my own I can spend $2. I end up smoking less, and spending a SHITLOAD less. Which means more money for whatever Self Edge release Kiya is trotting out that week. Ha. ;)

There's a guy that comes by my shop and he's always trotting out a pouch of tobacco that someone sent him from Europe or some such shit, and trying to regale me with useless information about this particular tobacco, blah blah blah. And he can't even roll a cigarette for shit. Douchelord.

I just hate the stupid foil pouches, and having them exploding in my pocket. And if I'm going to spend money on a pouch, I might as well get a good one, once, and never have to deal with it again.

But yeah, no worries. I'm not doing this to be another assclown. I just smoke a lot.

If you find anything, let me know. I'll be in the city in a couple weeks, and I can swing through and check it out. I just haven't got a clue where to even start looking for stuff that isn't the same old crap...

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Two businesses + consulting + freelance writing.

Three kids.

I move pretty quick, and have my hands in a lot of stuff for a guy living in Cleveland. Ask Kiya.

No half-steppin'.

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