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wacom tablet


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Yeah, Pal is right that they're hard to get used to. To tell you the truth I had my Intuos 2 for more than two years before I really started appreciating it. I'd only use it occasionally when using Illustrator or something, but then I got RSI from this fuckin' data entry job and I couldn't use the mouse anymore. So then it was wacom all the time. Now I'm over the RSI but I still use the tablet all the time, just got really used to it.

But seriously, for drawing or graphic design on a computer, tablets are the shit. Way more precise than a mouse once you get used to it.

But anyways, each to there own. For me, wacom rocks.

Superman, just get an intuos 3 if your serious about this shit. They're great, and real cheap. But don't stress so much on the equipment. The most expensive shit on the planet will not make your designs good. If you can make some rockin' designs with a pencil and paper then anything else will just be a bonus.

Edited by chapital on Nov 10, 2005 at 11:34 PM

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